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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Friday, August 26, 2005

~* road traffic act [chapter 276].. *~

i came home n found a letter in e mail.. it said "on government service".. i tot i kena called back for in-camp trainin [ict] or sthg like tt.. as u noe la, saf owayz cock up one wat.. i wont b surprised even though i disrupt my ns for studies.. but it wasn't from saf.. it was from traffic police hq.. fuck man.. wat luck.. kena 4 demerit pts n fined $130 for "driving in a bus lane during prohibited hours under rule 8[1] rt [traffic sign] rules".. i suspect it's some fucked up bus driver saboh me one.. cos i din c any tp officers.. think they're now called bus captain can anyhow charge a corporal like me ah..? they din even go through ocs, call dem captain for fuck.. i jus turned left into e main road.. so obviously wen i turn left, i'll end up in e left most aka bus lane rite.. flicked my indicator stalk n tried to filter into e right lane but traffic was heavy.. stoopid typical sporeans will never gif way one.. so i gave up n cancelled my signal light.. den maybe some bus captain got shitty sporean passengers tt day, wanna vent his anger on me n took down my vehicle number n reported to tp.. suey sia.. now i hafta skip a day of school jus to make my way down to tphq at ubi to appeal for my alleged offence.. heard ppl say tt even if they accept my appeal, e most they can do is waive e $130 fine but i'll stil get e 4 demerit pts.. shit la.. i had a clean record for e past 3yrs n diz muz happen.. hai..wat a way to end e wk..

{Get back up there}