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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

~* stressed beyond stress point.. *~

hmmm.. it's been a wk oredi since i last blogged.. been extremely busy lately.. it's e 3rd wk of e nus academic calender.. which means tutorial classes haf begun.. n assignments r oredi startin to come in.. gonna talk abit abt my tutors..

we had critical thinkin n writin on mon.. sporean wif vietnamese name.. nice lady.. but borin class.. it's like she talks n nobody responds to her.. haha.. maybe cos it's our very 1st tut in nus.. i dun even noe a single person in tt class.. 1st lesson oredi need to get ourselves into grps of 2-3 ppl for future project works.. oh ya.. she's e onli female species in e class of ard 15guys.. cos of her 'dead' class, she went though her lesson very slowly.. den wen she realise tt there's not enuf time, she 'floored e throttle'.. but stil, class ended late n we reached lt7a for our statics lec like 10-15mins late..

tue was jus 2hrs of tut.. maths.. china man.. or hongkee.. i dunno.. he looks damn young.. think he's like my age or maybe a yr older.. for ur info, i would've been in my 3rd yr if i didnt hafta 'defend' e country.. haha.. he spent like 15mins tryin to get e 2nd derivative of a function..! can u beleive tt..?! even my fren came who for tut wif an empty piece of paper managed to solve e qn long b4 him.. apparently he's weak in implicit differentiation n chain rule.. wat a loser.. oh ya.. i had a fren for diz tut grp.. he's name is ivan.. noe him through titus.. my o-wk mate.. n i oso haf another fren.. hanrong.. sji military band mate.. cool..

after tt, it was statics.. same room.. so we waited for our tutor.. den another guy came in.. he was wearin a light blue long sleeve shirt n he buttoned up every single button he could find on e shirt.. yes.. incl e topmost one at e collar.. n check diz out man.. he has a purple umbrella.. haha.. ok.. aniwae, he's a vietnamese.. another 4th yr student or sthg like tt.. he sux too.. pick ppl to write down their soln on e board.. den after they present their soln, we're asked us to clap enthusiastically for our frenz.. -_-"' den chose e most difficult qn in e tut n ask us to submit it to him for gradin on e next tut class..

had engin day meetin on tue evenin n will haf photog soc meetin on wed evenin, which is later.. think i'll talk abt e meetins another time..

{Get back up there}