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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

~* *~

went to lt29 at sci fac for nus photographic society's annual general meetin ay2005/2006.. cos i missed their welcome tea session last wk.. so i wasn't aware tt today's meetin was actuali to vote for new e executive committee.. b4 i get to vote, i need to b a member of e society 1st.. ordinary member at $4/yr or member for life [which is actuali for e duration of ur course in nus] at $9.. i decided to sign up for e latter.. den i was thinkin, since i'm oredi here, y not i run for an exco post.. tried for e posts of pres n vice pres.. but it was unsuccessful.. primarily cos i had no experience as any one of dem.. den i tried again for e post of publicity director.. cos i was e asst head of publicity in my jc's photography club n i'm oso e publicity head for nus engin day.. so i thought i would stand a higher chance.. n guess wat.. i got e post.. yay..! e agm was supposed to end at 10pm but it dragged on till 11pm.. causin me to miss my anime; inuyasha n shaman king.. wonder wat happened to inuyasha n gang n asakura yoh n gang.. reached home almost midnite.. i need to ballot for my tut time slots now.. been tryin e whole day since 9am but e stoopid server was down.. e best past is tt i haf a maths lec tom at 8am.. dun wanna over slp n miss e lec again.. haha..

{Get back up there}