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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

~* i like big butts n i cannot lie.. *~

today was e shortest sch day in my life.. i onli had physics lec from 12-1pm.. indian lecturer.. think i need to download n install an accent decipherin plug-in or sthg.. mite haf other foreign lecturers comin up too.. haha.. but not bad la.. he's quite a funny guy.. his lesson was onli 35mins long.. most of it spent on tellin us a story abt newton as a child.. daniel, my ns buddy, went to camp to de-kit in e mornin.. after tt he came to nus to meet up wif me.. we went to collect his new passport at ica bldg, formally known as sir bldg, at lavender.. a super stupid cabbie, for dunno wat reason, stopped rite b4 e entrance to e bldg.. i was e 2nd car behind him.. cos of tt, 7 other cars happily drove past from e 2nd lane n turned left in front of e cab.. i was furiously mad at him tt i sounded my horn for like 30sec.. passers by were wonderin wat was happenin while i was cursin n swearin inside e car.. after we got into e car park, we were stuck there for another half hr lookin for an empty lot.. e fact tt e car was black n i was wearin black n e weather was so bloody hot didn't help me to keep my cool..

after tt, we went to tampines mall to watch a movie.. wanted to watch charlie n e choc factory but it was sold out.. so we watched bewitched instead.. we sat by e side on e 3rd row.. think i dislocated my neck.. we were in "ke-kiri lurus" position for 2hrs.. haha.. not reali a gd movie.. but entertainin enuf.. n nicole kidman was so cute..

after e movie, on e way out of tampines mall, i saw 2 nice pairs of asses.. one from a lady in black n one from a lady in white.. check dem out..

{Get back up there}