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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Thursday, August 25, 2005

~* meeting, meeting n more meetings.. *~

lemmie talk abt my meetings over e wk.. 1st.. engin day meetin.. i jus found out tt i need to come up wif e finalised poster design by mon.. cos they wanna put it in e engin mag for publicity purposes.. super not enuf time lo.. i stil need to think of how to design e banner leh.. n my team oso has to come up wif a proposal for e decoration of e venue..

2nd.. photog soc meetin.. i need to come up wif a finalised design for e exco name cards n committee recruitment drive flyer.. will hafta visit lotsa printin companies to get e cheapest quotations for printin dem.. will b havin another meetin diz sat..

i dunno where i'm gonna find time to do all diz shit stuf.. if onli i could stop e time.. den i can take my own sweet time to do dem.. cos i stil haf lotsa online n offline tutorials n assignments waitin to b submitted..

o ya.. had my phys tut today.. not bad.. finally had a proper tutor.. n yea.. he's local.. haha.. heard he's quite an experienced tutor.. i asked him a few qns regardin circular motion n he managed to answer dem all.. he's good man..

{Get back up there}