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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Monday, August 15, 2005

~* help.. help.. anyone..? ello..? meow..? *~

i jus found out in an imported car mag tt there're a few laws in spore which i never knew of..

"in spore, moblie phones r permanently confiscated if used in cars.. e fine for text messagin while drivin goes as high as £361 plus a half-yr ban.. three-time throwers of litter from their vehicles r prosecuted wif sunday street-cleanin duties, wearin a notice sayin 'i'm a litterer'.. oral sex is illegal in a car, unless 'used only as a form of foreplay', n so is not havin enuf petrol in one's tank wen leavin spore"

hmmm.. i dunno how true r these reports.. i tot oral sex was illegal in e 1st place.. unless maybe done in e privacy of my own home.. ok wateva.. i was appointed e head of publicity for e upcomin nus engin day.. it's on fri, 15 sept.. e theme for diz yr is 'reminiscence'.. it's half day for all engin students.. yay..! i'm supposed to design a poster based on e theme.. can anyone help me?

{Get back up there}