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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Saturday, August 13, 2005

~* potapotapotato.. tomatomatomato.. *~

i went for nus taekwondo club freshmen welcome tea session at 2pm today.. got a call last nite from one of e members to remind me abt it.. she told me tt i muz come cos food was catered for us.. din feel like goin out on a lazy sat aftn.. but den thinkin tt i oredi missed e freshmen welcome tea sessions for nus wind symphony n nus photographic society, y not i jus come down for today's makan session.. wen i reached, e 1st thing i looked for was food.. my tummy was growlin cos i haven't have my lunch yet.. den diz brown belt guy approached me n said, "hi..! do u haf prior experience? if u dun, u can join e rest of e white-belters n do some basic exercises.." i said, "yea.. i've a black belt, 1st dan, like 10yrs ago.." den he said, "uh.. ok.. den u can join us for trainin.." did some warmin up n stretchin exercises b4 we start punchin n kickin e target pads.. after trainin, e instructor wanted e freshmen to introduce ourselves.. there's diz cute gal who jus got her black belt wen she was in hcjc.. forgot her name though.. think it's chiew yi.. she's in sci fac if i'm not wrong.. she looks like jamie teo [not jamie yeo].. ok wateva.. n den it's time to dig in.. haha.. nothin much though.. jus lite refreshments like cakes n puffs.. chatted wif e seniors.. most of dem couldn't believe tt i'm a black-belter.. well, i got my junior-black, 1st poom wen i was in pri sch.. it was den converted to black, 1st dan in 2000.. 1 of e seniors said tt there's a new rule for e upcomin tournament in sept.. onli 1 fighter per weight category per club.. n cos of tt, he dropped out from e tournament cos there's another guy who's been trainin for like dunno how many donkey yrs who's in e same weight category as him n is obviously much better fighter den him.. he told me tt it shouldn't b a prob for me to b a fighter cos i'm e onli one in fintan weight category.. which is e most lightweight category.. rite.. wateva.. after tt, i went home feelin like a potato.. or tomato.. whicheva.. my whole body was achin.. it's been yrs since i last did any form of physical exercise.. haha..

{Get back up there}