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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Thursday, August 11, 2005

~* ssa2211.. *~

on e contrary to yest's post, today's e longest sch day in my life.. i was in sch from 8am to 8pm..! i had maths n critical thinkin & writin lec from 8-10am.. after tt i was free for 8hrs while waitin for my next lec which is at 6pm.. more abt tt later.. 1stly, i would like to thank azura, a yr2 student, for sellin her phy txtbk to me at a reasonable price.. e onli unreasonable thing abt it is tt i had to walk ard sch wif a 15kg load for 12hrs..!

after tt i went to e engin bridge to do some self study while listenin to my discman.. i got damn bored after e cd finish repeatin itself for e 4th time.. 80mins x 4 = 320mins = 5hrs 20mins.. i could practically memorise e tracklist n e lyrics of each individual song.. haha.. finally, sahan came to e rescue n we went to bizad canteen wif his gf to haf our dinner.. after tt, we took bus a2 down to lt11 which is in arts fac.. e 1st thing i noticed abt e lt is tt it's a super new lt.. n projected on e screen rite in front of me was "ssa2211: evolution of a global city-state -- e module u've all been waitin for is here.." [long sch day] + [6pm lec x monotonous lecturer] + [comfortable seats x dim lightin] = very² condusive slpin envt.. i dozed off rite away..

{Get back up there}