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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Sunday, October 02, 2005

~* cog.. *~

well.. for those of u who r ignorant.. change of guards [cog] parade is a monthly ceremony where e guards at e istana go off duty n r bein replaced by another batch.. it happens on e 1st sunday of every month.. e parade starts at hello! orchard wif e main band leadin e contingent which includes e new batch of guards n e silent precision drills squad [spds] to e instana.. once we reach e istana gates.. there's a support band waitin for us.. after e guards do their stuf n after a short performance by e band n spds.. e main band would den march out wif e old batch of guards to e road behind ps.. from there e parade is over n we fall out..

today i went down to support my batchmates n juniors.. became like some celebrity sia.. haa.. it's been like 3mths since we last met..

my juniors of batch 57.. fellow parade kakis..
from left: paul.. me.. sashi..
1/350s.. F/4.. 18mm.. iso200..

last rehearsal for drum solo..

wen siong aka hunk of e band.. ya rite.. busy memorisin his toms part..

rendy-da-man on cymbals..

y did e pigeon cross e road..?

my batchmates of batch 56..
from left: bernard.. arvin.. me..
1/140s.. F/3.2.. 20mm.. iso400.. cropped..

"dari kanan.. cepat jalan.."
percussionists from left: andrew.. arvin.. wen siong..
1/125s.. F/2.8.. 18mm.. iso400..

saf parade band a..
1/100s.. F/5.. 34mm.. iso800..

combined wif band b under e baton of cpt johnson lee..
1/100s.. F/5.. 34mm.. iso800..

spds marchin out while e band plays e music..
1/100s.. F/5.. 34mm.. iso800..

spds at work..
1/100s.. F/5.. 34mm.. iso400..

marchin out of e istana..
1/400s.. F/4.5.. 18mm.. iso400..

o ya.. we're also known as e commandos of e parade square..
1/400s.. F/2.8.. 18mm.. iso400..

cos we're e 1st to enter.. last to come out of e parade..
1/320s.. F/4.. 18mm.. iso400..

drum major.. ssg roomaizan..
1/420s.. F/3.2.. 20mm.. iso400..

my 'stay in jus to play ps2, watch anime n slp wif me' buddy.. daniel..

{Get back up there}