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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

~* don't drive home safely, drive home road safety.. *~

went to tphq at ubi to appeal for my alleged traffic offence.. took almost 2hrs to get there by bus.. stopped opp orion bldg but couldnt find tphq.. i went inside yamaha showroom to ask e sales person.. haha.. wen i got there, there were 30+ ppl in e appeal queue.. my stomach was growlin cos i rushed off rite after sch.. so i decided to haf my lunch 1st.. cost me quite a bomb.. $4.50 for a chicken cutlet wif fries..! wen i got back, there were stil 16 ppl in queue.. managed to do my homework n took a nap after tt..

finally, queue number 'a115' flashed on e electronic board.. so i walked towards e interview room.. n another guy out of nowhere jus entered e room.. i double checked my queue number to comfirm.. n it's reali my turn.. ok.. dunno wat's happenin so i jus waited for him to come out.. wen i entered e room, i asked e officer, wat queue number was e earlier guy.. it was supposed to b my turn but how come he went in instead.. den he stared at me n shouted, "u wat number?! gimi e paper!" den he asked me wat i wan.. for obvious reasons.. to appeal la rite.. dumb question.. u mean got ppl come to him for matchmakin service one ah? den he asked me how come e car is not under my name.. muz e driver of e car b e it's owner as well..? do i look like i can afford a car at diz age? obviously not rite.. it's my parents' car la..

aniwae, he told me i drove past 4 lamp posts while in e bus lane.. i asked him how he noe.. he said got tp officer at e bus stop lookin out.. so i assume tt officers nowadays officers r mutants wif 4 pairs of eyes.. den he told me e place of offence was along snow city.. i told him jur town hall is a long stretch of road n i onli entered e road after jur east library.. n i was intendin to keep right to enter aye..den u noe wat he said.. "precisely.. long road.. got more den enuf time to keep right.." fuck it la.. dun wanna argue wif him.. so tried to ask him to reduce e fine amt.. he said tt it's not possible.. it's mandatory n tt's e min amt..

got out from his office, paid up n left.. it was gettin kinda late alreadi n i'm takin e bus home.. it's a total waste of my time.. i could've went for my photog soc meeetin instead.. n saved $4.50 on e chicken cutlet..

{Get back up there}