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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Sunday, September 18, 2005

~* brand new broken heart.. *~

Brand New Broken Heart
by ac240v

Life to me is just a heartache
Since the day you said goodbye
Now I've nothing left to live for
All I do is sit and cry

I can't out live the memory of you
Since the day we had to part
All I have is just a memory
And a brand new broken heart

All I have is just a memory
A picture painted in my heart
It hurts to know you're gone forever
And forever more we'll be apart

i jus cant forget e way my relationship wif liz ended.. somehow i knew tt it was gonna end sooner or later.. cos it was not in stable equilibrium.. hehe.. we watched e movie "e terminal" at tiong bahru plaza wif her on dis date a yr ago.. we kept quiet n kept our hands to ourselves throughout e movie.. she was feelin cold but she din wan me to hug her.. den i said to myself.. fuck la.. no hope liao.. e end is near.. tt nite, my worst fear came true.. she told me tt she wanna break up.. tt was e mother's great-great-great-grandmother of all news.. i din noe how to react.. i was like totally stunned.. hang.. blue screen.. i jus said.. huh..? r u sure? y? orh.. if u feel tt we'll b better off bein separated den ok lo.. wat a nice way to terminate a relationship rite after watchin e terminal.. how convenient..

well.. i've been out of a relationship for a yr now.. startin to put e shittiness of e past behind.. hvnt been able to find someone else to share my life wif though.. tot tt bein uni would help compared to bein in nee soon camp.. nope.. not wen everybody's busy studyin all e time.. n not wen i see her like every other day in campus.. wif her new bf..

wateva it is.. it's over.. move on.. b a man.. do e rite thing.. if i reali love her den i would let her choose who she wans to b wif rite.. hope she's happier wif her new guy.. aniwae nx jan, she'll b flyin off to tampere, finland for an exchange programme.. hope she'll let me send her off at e airport on her departure.. i wonder how it'll b like if she lets me come n den i see her bf there too.. so.. gone for 6 mths.. after tt back for another yr.. n den it's her convocation ceremony liao..

take care.. i wish u all e best in wateva u're gonna do.. i love u n will oways love u, liz..

{Get back up there}