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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Monday, September 19, 2005

~* nusps basic photography course day 1.. *~

e course aims to introduce e participants to e various photographic skills n techniques.. it's a 2-day course which will cover 3 different aspects of photography.. ie.. photography techniques.. outdoor photo shoot.. n a critique session held at e end of e course.. i was one of e instructors for e course.. couldnt b bothered to wake up early for e theory lesson conducted by gerald.. haa.. so i came at 1200h instead.. jus in time for e participants to do their photo hunt.. they haf 3hrs ard campus to snap away based on e list of 26 items given.. these r some of e pix taken by me..

'wheel'.. taken from a rex.. one of e items in e list..
1/200s.. F/4.. 21mm.. iso100..

pei qin posing..
1/500s.. F/4.5.. 105mm.. iso400..

1/100s.. F/5.6.. 95mm.. iso800..

not in e list.. but i like e pattern..
1/80s.. F/7.1.. 55mm.. iso400..

an eagle spotted circlin e pool at src..
1/2500s.. F/7.1.. 300mm.. iso400.. cropped..

'group'.. which is oso my grp's photo..
i was lyin down on e floor to get diz shot..
i onli noe e names of e 2 gals.. pei qin.. wen yi..
?.. film negative scan..

saw diz on a civic's passenger side dashboard.. cool huh..
1/100s.. F/6.3.. 155mm.. iso400..

at dome cafe in ucc.. 'reflection'..
their menu is written on a mirror..
1/50s.. F/22.. 18mm.. iso400..

taken at e entrance of ucc..
1/400s.. F/5.6.. 18mm.. iso400..

1/1600s.. F/4.. 75mm.. iso100..

from left: me.. pei qin.. wen yi.. n i forgot e prc guy's name..
e other guy left halfway for some personal matters to attend to..
?.. film negative scan..

{Get back up there}