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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Sunday, November 20, 2005

~* so near but so far.. $25000 gone.. *~

ok.. i'm feelin happy but at e same time disappointed at myself.. today was e finals of e singtel sms shootout.. my fren.. kaini.. came down to gif me encouragement n support.. o ya.. n oso helped me to take pix.. went to e registration counter n collected $100 worth of hi card top up cards for bein one of e top 20 finalists.. wen i was up on e stage.. i was feelin very tense.. e crowd started to come in.. videographers n photographers were all over me.. u noe how it feels like wen someone points a huge camera wif a huge lens at ur face.. btw.. it was a canon 1d mark ii.. haa.. ok.. after tt round.. e emcee said tt e results will b announced shortly.. e top 4 will compete again for e top 3 positions..

while waitin.. kaini n i were walkin ard e tentage.. lookin at e singtel xmas sale.. e price of my phone had dropped by $130 in jus 6mths.. crazy..

"ok.. e results r out.. e top 4 fastest fingers diz yr r.. number 004.. muhammad firdauz.."

omg.. i cant believe it.. out of e 4 of us.. there's onli 1 gal.. all of dem looked rather garang n determined to win tt 1st prize.. i tried to calm myself down.. took a deep breath.. wen e clock starts.. i whacked on my keypads like nobody's business..

"The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human."

no mistakes.. yay.. i clocked 45.60s.. personal best.. but it's not good enuf to beat last yr's record of 43.24s..

wen we went back to our holdin area.. e gal finalist asked me wat was my timin.. she got 45.80s.. so immediately i noe tt i'm at least in e 3rd place.. haa.. but i dun wanna b 3rd.. e prize is pathetic.. n i'll b winnin e same phone as wat i oredi haf.. i wan e 1st prize.. $25000 cash n prizes.. $12000 cash.. a pair of nokia n70.. yea.. a pair.. two of dem.. mobile phone plans.. broadband plans.. bla bla..

"wif a time of 45.70s.. e 3rd prize goes to.. Chiang Chee Keng, Nicholas.."

could i b 2nd? or even 1st?

"n wif a time of 45.60s.. e runner-up is Muhammad Firdauz.."

yay.. i won $2500 in cash n prizes.. $500 cash.. a nokia 6680.. one yr premium 700 mobile plan.. prepaid sim card wif $100 worth of top up cards.. like i said.. happy tt i got 2nd.. disappointed tt i wasn't e champion.. btw.. e champion is an 18yr old vjc student.. he appeared in e followin day's papers wif a pic of him n his gf.. hai.. if onli i was at least 0.28s faster.. tt lucky guy would've been me.. nevertheless.. i'm not gonna gif n try again nx yr.. wahahaa..

see how many ppl surroundin me.. n diz is not includin e press ppl..

nice phone.. but i rather haf cash.. thanx dan for helpin me to sell it at $640..

if onli it's half a million.. n not half a thousand.. -_-'"

{Get back up there}