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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

~* dream dream dream.. *~

i had e most beautiful slp last nite.. until i was woken up at ard 1pm by my phone.. leo asked me wat time m i goin to work.. -_-"' i dreamt that liz n i were back together.. i dreamt that we were in sydney on a holiday.. havin so much fun.. so much joy.. so much laughter.. y sydney? cos last nite i watched e chinese drama serial.. fann wong was in sydney.. haa.. sydney does seem like a beautiful place to visit..

i laid in bed for another hour or so.. cryin.. realisin that it was onli a dream.. if onli dreams could gif u a sneak preview of wats to come in e future.. hai..

i wonder how's she doin.. how's life in tampere, finland.. wonder wen is she comin back to sg..

aniwae.. took 5 buses to get to sch.. haa.. 145, 111, 74, 92, 95.. an average of 3 stops per bus.. y? cos i registered myself for that sbs concession pass thingy..

{Get back up there}