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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Saturday, May 20, 2006

~* montage 2006 workshops.. *~

today was montage 2006 "behind the seen" workshops.. i was e event photographer.. nthg much to say abt e workshop itself.. by lookin at e turnout.. i think it was a success..

18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/60s.. iso800..

18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/60s.. iso800..

i jus had to do dis.. haa..
18mm.. f/3.5.. 30s.. iso800..

darren soh session was kinda entertainin.. he's a funny guy.. somehow managed to help me develop my own personal vision in photography..

38mm.. f/5.. 1/60s.. iso800..

it's a pity that cedric lim couldnt make it.. we showed a video instead.. e video which was made by teng yong n yit leong was very impressive by my standards.. balls to those ppl who complained that e audio was noisy n e video got lotsa shake.. bear in mind that we had onli like one week to compile e video.. TY n YL spent e days n nites to do it..

18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/60s.. iso800..

john cosgrove's session was very informative too.. learnt a few new zhngin techniques.. it'll b good if i could haf a wacom tablet.. but i think i'll stick to my panadol instead..

30mm.. f/5.6.. 1/60s.. iso800..

after e workshop.. i was supposed to join e rest of e committee for dinner.. however i had to gif tuition.. bleh.. it has been a tiring day.. o ya.. submission for e photographic competition will close tmr midnite.. i hvnt submit any photos yet.. damn..

{Get back up there}