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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

~* haf u checked e children? *~

i was supposed to go gymmin wif sahan today.. but den he smsed me in e mornin sayin tt he went drinkin wif his frens n he was overdrunk.. well.. ytd was his birthday.. so we decided to meet up in town instead..

last week.. while waitin for serz at orchard mrt.. some guy by e name of sky approached me.. he asked for my name n contact number n gave me a namecard.. some modellin agency.. he said tt they'll contact me soon.. so aniwae.. they called me ytd n asked me to come down for an interview at 3pm.. since i'm meetin sahan in town.. i asked him to accompany me for e interview..

to cut e long story short.. e agency was basically out to con me.. i hafta pay $388 for a TFCD session.. 36 shots of me in 3 attires wif make up n hair stylin.. portfolio will be done for free.. sounds like a good bargain rite.. but den wat if no clients wanna use my face? den it'll be a $388 makeover session.. shldnt haf gone for e interview in e 1st place..

after that we went to bk for lunchinner.. lunch + dinner since it was ard 1630h.. haa.. i had that dunno wat x-men 3 chicken meal upsized.. nthg special xcept for e fries.. while sahan had a mushroom swiss meal upsized + whopper.. he mustve not eaten anythin since last nite.. haa..

den we decided to watch a movie.. wen a stranger calls seems like a good show.. since he had oredi watched mi3.. BIG mistake.. it started out quite ok.. but i was more interested in e 2 ac gals who were sittin beside us.. we 1st saw dem at bk.. thay had like super short skirts.. haa..

den i realised one thing.. e cast is made up of unknown ppl.. n their actin skills r pathetic.. but e gals r quite hot.. especially e babysitter, jill johnson, n her fren, tiffany.. aniwae jill is supposed to look after some family's children from 6pm - 12am while they go out for dinner n movie.. so imagine 6hrs of events takin place in e 2hrs of e movie.. e progress is so damn slow lor.. but mus comment on e sound n light effects though.. lotsa suspense.. made e ac gals scream.. haa.. but den nthg scary happened actuali.. it's either e birds or chester e cat..

den tiffany came to e house to find jill.. i was expectin some hot babysitter lesbian porn action to happen.. haa.. after awhile her fren left.. onli to get atacked by e stranger on her way out..

den e stranger started callin n callin.. jill freaked out n called e police.. e police officer is like so damn frenly lor.. sounds more like a councillor den a police officer.. haa.. half hr later.. e police called back sayin that e calls came from inside e house.. yay.. finally.. some action..

i think e best part of e movie was wen jill stabbed e stranger's hand wif a metal rod thingy.. wohoo.. n e 2 children were irritatin.. weneva jill managed to slow down e stranger n escape.. e children would disappear.. den wen she found dem.. e stranger caught her.. aniwae.. in e end.. e police came.. e house owner came.. end of story..

jill woke up in a hosp havin nitemares of e incident.. i think she's now mentally unsound.. wat a waste of time n $7.. bleh..

after e movie we went to guardians to buy a nailclipper.. haa.. yay.. $1.95 onli.. cant believe watsons is sellin it at twice e price.. maybe that one can cut my nails twice as fast.. hmmm.. after that we went home..

{Get back up there}