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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Monday, May 08, 2006

~* guess who's back.. back again.. *~

ello ppl.. i'm back after a 2 month hiatus.. cos got somebody treaten to drown me in mayonnaise n somebody else warned me that cobwebs will start hangin ard my blog if i dun update.. haa.. so.. bo pian lor.. i think i shld start bloggin again since it's e hols le..! lotsa things happened in e past 2 months.. as usual i'll blog about these past events but den put e actual time stamp.. play cheat.. hehe.. cos i dun like e dates to screw up..

aniwaes.. i somehow lost my nailclipper abt a month ago.. went to guardians today to get a new one.. but they onli haf those where e clippers r angled at 45degrees.. they dun haf e normal ones.. den walked over to watsons.. found it n took it.. while walkin to e cashier counter.. i flipped e nailclipper to check e price.. got e shock of my life.. $3.90.. WAT?! in e end i put it back n walked out..

$3.90 for a nailclipper.. i can buy more useful things wif $3.90.. i rather bite my fingernails which was wat i've been doin for e past month.. too stressed during e exam period.. bite n bite n bite until got no more nails left.. haa.. i'm sure u guys wanna noe wat i think abt e exams rite.. well.. it was shitty.. will talk more abt it soon..

{Get back up there}