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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Sunday, February 24, 2008

~* singtel sms shootout 2008 *~

finally e sms shootout is here. supposed to b held at e end of last yr. this is my most unprepared competition. signed up 2days ago. found my "competition fone" last nite. lol. it's damn retarded for them to hold e event at smoove, mos. it's like inappropriate la. they put up a stage at e dance floor. e smokin room became e briefin room. some cock youngsters happily smoked there despite being told by e singtel staff not to. "here smokin point mah. y cannot smoke? if not, den smoke where?" smoke outside la! stupid cocksters. e main door is jus a few steps away. -_-'"

made a fren: harrison ng
he takes part every yr like me too. haha.

n it was bloody cold too. alot of us were complainin that e temp was too low n our fingers were numb n cant sms properly. but e complaints didnt seem to reach e mgmt ears. i ended up spendin $5.20 coffee at hooters! lol. who e fuck drink coffee at hooters?!? actually, not so bad leh. hot drinks wif hot chicks makes me hot too! haha.

good thing i brought my camera today

let's jus fast forward.. i got into 6th position wif my best time of 49.27 secs. not e fastest in my personal record. but considerin e fact that i'm gettin old, that e champion is gettin younger every yr, that it was cold, that i didnt practice n that i'm using a new fone, i think it was pretty good. come to think of it, i realise that i get into e top 10 n win a fone every yr. not bad huh.

results list

now you're gone. wat has this song gotta do wif e entry? e dj was playin this song over n over again. made me feel that i was typin faster than my actual speed. stupid dj.

Now playing: Basshunter - Now You're Gone
via FoxyTunes

{Get back up there}