i spent e 1st day of e squeaky yr by slackin at home. watched american gangster e whole aftn. quite a nice show but abit long. it's almost 3hrs long. back pain, neck cramped as i was watchin from my bed.
super bored. no where to go. e whole world has been a ghost town since last nite. e only ppl i see loiterin ard outside r banglahs. which makes it kinda scary to go out. most of dem haf higher fuel consumption compared to Lamborghini Murcielago's 4.5km/litre (a.k.a. super drunk) which makes it even more scary to go out.
to all my munjen frens out there..
新年快乐, 年年有餘!
to all my married munjen frens out there.. 恭喜发财,红包拿来!