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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

~* lead poisoning *~

i was at megabites wif dear dear. wanted to mug in science library, but too lazy to walk there after dinner. so we decided to mug there instead. haha.

muggin had nvr been so interestin until today. my pencil was rollin (towards me) off e table. i tried to grab it but my rxn was kinda slow. e pencil landed on my calf (tip down) n my hand jabbed it in nicely. even e metal tip went in! when i pulled e pencil out, e lead wasnt there. so i guess it's stuck smwhere inside. cant find it though. e only way to noe whether e lead is reali stuck inside is to wait for a few days n see whether a pencil starts to grow from my calf.

not painful. big girls dun cry.
3.8mm, f/2.8, 1/25s, iso100

Now playing: Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry
via FoxyTunes

{Get back up there}