e application for specialisation programmes will close tmr at 5pm. i haf these choices in mind:
1. micro systems technology
sahan chose to specialise in this area despite e fact that his dream is to do aeronautical engineering. acccordin to him, aeronautical engineering is not as hot as it used to. e problem is that i do not meet e cap requirement of >3.5.
2. offshore oil & gas technology
sahan doesnt wanna do this cos accordin to him, this path would mean that it's e end of my family life. haha. which is somewhat true. ppl who work in e oil industry normally work odd hours n off-mainland (duh). i also do not meet e requirement of 78mcs.
wonder whether i shld try my luck n specialise. aniwae, if i cant make it, can always drop from e programme. or shld i jus get a general degree n become a cikgu in my alma mater?
headache.. a little of tiesto shld do e trick . =P
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Tiesto Ft BT - Break My Fall (Album Version)via FoxyTunes