went to e ndp preview wif dear dear n fellow photographer frens.. we arrived slightly after 6pm n e place was oredi full of ppl. we walked all e way from esplanade to somewhere near ntuc bldg. met teng yong at one fullerton, but his side has no space for us too. it was an open field near raffles place station. e ground was water-logged. o well, wat e heck.
found myself a perfect spot. there was a big empty space cos there's a big hole in e ground. so i set up my tripod in front of e barrier n sat on e fence. haha. pix not very nice cos there was no wind to blow e smoke away from e fireworks.
display by rsn
f/4, 1/125s, iso800, 40mm
py called dem e dementors as e music was kinda eerie.. i call dem jellyfish
f/4, 0.7s, iso800, 40mm, -1 step
f/11, 6s, iso800, 17mm
f/11, 4s, iso800, 17mm
f/4, 1.5s, iso800, 17mm
dear dear n i
f/4, 1/10s, iso1600, 17mm, -1 step
sthg to remember
f/5.6, 4s, iso200, 31mm