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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Saturday, May 19, 2007

~* Blizzard outing *~

we had an OG outin today. abt 3 weeks back, yee han reminded us that we hvnt spend e $200 we won for bein e best OG. we met at vivo n looked for a place to haf dinner. in e end we settled for 2 hot halal cafe. cant believe that almost 1 yr haf passed since i 1st met these ppl. n i cant believe that i kept e o-week photos wif me for almost 1 yr. haha.

after dinner
iso800, 1/45s, f/4, 17mm

bridge to sentosa taken from vivo
iso100, 4s, f/4, 40mm

one last group photo b4 we left

iso800, 1/45s, f/4, 21mm

{Get back up there}