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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Saturday, February 24, 2007

~* back.. *~

guess who's back? back again.. baobei's back.. back again.. yay..

took e mrt to changi airport.. hvnt been there since like 2001.. had to stand while readin my maths notes throughout e whole journey.. took e sky train [wow..] to terminal 1.. waited for her anxiously outside gate 23.. n there she comes.. pushed e trolley to e taxi stand.. limo service has no queue.. of cos la.. boardin fee onli is oredi $25.. regular taxi queue is longer than $2m toto draw.. haa.. so we took e train back to buona vista.. guess wat.. yup.. stood all e way back.. waited like foreva at e taxi stand b4 we managed to get a taxi.. finally i get to sit down..

wen we reached her room, we found out that there was a water seepage/leakage from e roof or sthg.. her bed was damp.. there was mould on her pillow.. yucks.. mould grew on e lilies which i gave her for vday too.. so i helped to clear up her room n put everythin washable into e laundry basket n bring it down to e laundry room..

had chicken burger n fried rice wif fried chicken for dinner.. while she had teriyaki beef sandwich.. n i was forced to eat salad wif her.. hmmm.. so much for chingay parade.. pang seh-ed peiyan for my no-show.. so sorry girl.. so i had to make full use of my camera which i brought along..

iso800, 17mm, f/4, 1/50s..

iso1600, 22mm, f/4, 1/40s..

i'm jus happy that my gf's safely back in sg.. missed her so much throughout e whole 1 week.. n sch's gonna start again.. n so r e tests n assignments.. hai..

{Get back up there}