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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

~* protege.. *~

1st time i'm steppin out of my house durin dis hol.. haa.. went to watch protege wif peiyan.. hmmm.. my 2nd chinese movie after 'one last dance'..

went to e cathay.. there were so many ppl.. wanted to watch e 1910h show but it was sold out.. wonder y so many ppl today since it's a normal work/sch day.. maybe they got alot of hongbao money dis yr.. haa.. so we bought tix for e 2120h show.. which ended up full house also.. went window shoppin in ps to kill time..

nice movie.. they actualli showed e process of heroin makin.. from e poppy fields in e golden triangle thailand to 'US dollars' to 'HK dollars' rite down to traffickin it.. haa.. e onli gross part was wen e junior 'chef' panicked wen police raided e 'kitchen' n he smashed e officer's hand wif a sledgehammer until it dropped off.. haa.. cool..

{Get back up there}