ok.. it rained in e mornin.. so dark n cold n gloomy.. had to drag myself outta bed.. waited like foreva for e chartered busses to come.. e sky was stil grey wen we finally reached sentosa.. for e 1st time i didnt hafta apply sunblock as there was no sun.. haa.. i even had to keep my shirt on as e cold wind blew rather strongly..
zzz.. see e sian faces of e councilors..
top: 18mm.. f/4.5.. 1/125s.. iso200..
bottom: 18mm.. f/4.5.. 1/80s.. iso200..
fortunately e sun came out at abt lunch time.. had lotsa fun playin games by e beach n in e sea..
left: shinglam can stil smile at e camera while spinnin ard in circles..
right: check out lynn 'riding' eugene e land-dolphin.. haa..
left: 18mm.. f/5.6.. 1/200s.. iso100..
right: 22mm.. f/5.6.. 1/60s.. iso100..
cool grp photo huh.. totally candid..
18mm.. f/5.6.. 1/100s.. iso100..
havin fun in e sea..
42mm.. f/5.. 1/200s.. iso100..
some got to draw while others got drawn..
top left: 28mm.. f/6.3 1/150s.. iso100..
top right: 18mm.. f/6.3 1/120s.. iso100..
bottom left: 18mm.. f/6.3 1/180s.. iso100..
bottom right: 21mm.. f/6.3 1/240s.. iso100..
in e later part of e day.. we had a couple-wif-best-lips n beach hunk/babe contest.. sherning/lynn n roy/wanyu representin spiritz house respectively.. sadly we didnt win anythin..
mr n mrs lips.. beach hunk/babe..
left: 37mm.. f/5.. 1/640s.. iso100..
right: 28mm.. f/5.. 1/400s.. iso100..
spiritz house: citron, kurant, mandrin..
top: 24mm.. f/8.. 1/125s.. iso100..
middle: 17mm.. f/8.. 1/100s.. iso100..
bottom: 22mm.. f/8.. 1/80s.. iso100..
later in e evenin we had a bbq dinner followed by another round of sp.. n dis is e time wen my camera had to die.. luckily i've got a dcompact wif me..
sahan n i..
meryl happily peepin..
it has been a long day today.. shagged..