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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Monday, December 17, 2007

~* zhng my fan *~

my mobo chipset fan is almost reachin its end of life. kuku corbell (msi distributor) replaced my half-dead fan wif another half-dead fan from another user who rma for e same reason. wtf! they say e fan not in production liao. at that time, e replacement fan was slightly better den mine. so i agreed to change. if e fan stalls, jus gif it a tap n it'd spin back to life. until one day, my comp hang due to overheatin.

used-n-half-dead replacement fan35mm, f/4, 1/180s, iso1600

made my way down to slt. so hard to find e correct dimension. i cant simply replace e whole thing unless i get one wif e exact dimensions cos if not it'll block e graphics card. after walkin into almost every shop, finally found one which sells 35mm fan.

new sunon fan
40mm, f/4, 1/180s, iso1600

but some work has to b done. had to cut off e fan housing n stick it directly to e heatsink cos it couldnt fit into e old fan holder. e new fan is slightly noisier cos it has a higher speed. which is good. more airflow to cool e rather hot chipset wif a pathetically small heatsink.

final product
32mm, f/4, 1/125s, iso1600

Now playing: Linkin Park - Bleed It Out
via FoxyTunes

{Get back up there}