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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Sunday, May 25, 2008

~* floatin concrete *~

and so i only brought my dslr today.. sim asked sahan n i to support e nus teams at e Singapore National Concrete Canoe Competition 2008. organised by ntu, it's e first of its kind ever held in sg. e best part was that e 2 nus teams took e 1st n 2nd places. yay..

sim n his s5is

starting line

nus teams

the huge cheques

Saturday, May 24, 2008

~* dropout *~

i was 'warming up' my camera to prepare for a shoot tmr. quite excited actually, cos it's gonna b my 1st time usin e film camera since i bought it like months ago. after snappin like 10 frames in continuous mode, i heard a funny sound and realised that the mirror dropped out!!

e mirror is on the body cap. i cant find any broken clips or anything. so i assume it's glued onto the plastic bracket. very temptin to glue it back myself. since e mirror is only used to reflect e img to e viewfinder n doesnt affect e img captured on film.

wonder how much would it cost to get it fixed at CSC. or shld i just apply glue to the edges and stick it back myself?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

~* vroom vroom *~

had my first bike practical lesson today. quite scary actually. never handled any 2-wheeler bigger den a bicycle. e lesson was abt familiarisin urself wif e bike, settin e main stand, pushin e bike n half-clutchin. n while doin that, i fell off from my bike n injured myself. =( so much for long pants n knee guard. guess it shows how dangerous/risky ridin a bike can be even wif protective gear.

also, my dad's spare helmet doesnt haf e psb approved sticker. so i cant use it for lessons. so i had to use e head liner n sch's helmet. e good thing abt it is that i dun need to walk ard wif a helmet n take public transport if i haf lessons on that day. lol.

cant wait to ride it officially..

Now playing: Jay Sean - Ride It
via FoxyTunes

Friday, May 09, 2008

~* flammable yellow box *~

u noe how e gahmen ostracises smokers from e rest of e health-concious citizens by designatin smokin areas.. makan places can only haf 0.000001% of their tables smokeable.. smokin chiongsters n kboxers can only smoke in a room smaller den a toilet cubicle.

well, they haf now gone one step further in their attempt to reduce e number of smokers. put e smokin point where e LPG cylinders are placed. bravo! wonder wat will they think of next? maybe we will haf 24/7 smokin points wif names like shell, esso, bp.. "would u like to haf our house pour v-power on the rocks to go wif ur menthol lights, sir? jus slightly over $2 per litre"

or maybe due to e lack of land space in sg, gahmen say mus smoke on e water now.

Now playing: Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

~* 1st day *~

yesterday was e last day of one sch, n today's e start of another sch. haha. went for 2 consecutive theory lessons from 1600-2000h. si bei boring. e lesson contents haf nthg to do wif bike at all. highway code, safety on e roads, bla bla. stupid sch system cant exempt me from e lessons even though i've already got a class 3 license. wasted my time n money. n as i expected, 99.99999% of e students there are mats, e future mac/pizza delivery men. damn. i need to brush up on my malay in order to communicate wif them. where is that malay electronic dictionary when u need one?

let's start by listenin to siti norhaliza's "not an ordinary love". lol.

Now playing: Siti Nurhaliza - Bukan Cinta Biasa
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

~* emancipation *~

today marks e end of my 3rd yr in NUS. as usual, exam papers are meant to be like shit. so i'm not gonna waste my blogspace talkin abt it. e only thing i'm gonna say that it's e 1st time in my life that i'm sittin rite in front. feels kinda stressful n distracted. i cant see e clock n e bloody ass invigilators walk ard n talk among themselves.

there was also a china guy who was dragged to e front. apparently he was using those electronic dictionary thingy, a common device for ah tiongs, despite e lecturer specifically mentioned at e start of e paper that u're not allowed to use an electronic dictionary for e exam. besides, it's a bio paper, not english. dun tell me u need to noe wat a gymnosperm is in chinese b4 u can answer e qn?

i guess e invigilator read e instructions too fast for him to type into e dictionary in order for him to translate into chinese so that he could understand wat it meant.

fyi, a gymnosperm is a gay man who goes to e gym to make himself look bigger to compensate for his small banana. =)

e invigilators also made history by takin one of e longest time in my life to collect n count all e scripts. biological scientists dunno how to count? no wonder there r so many genetic experiments gone wrong. no wonder they could only clone one dolly. "hmm, how many rabbit sperms did i put into that chicken egg?"

finally after 35 minutes, we were released. so, sahan n i went to bbdc to register ourselves for lessons. he's takin class 3 while i'm takin class 2b lessons.

after that, we went to west mall for lunch followed by watchin iron man. it's so nice to catch a movie durin this period. it's e exam period for e sch kids now. muahahaha!

i'm not a comic book fan, so i wouldnt noe who e fuck is samuel l jackson supposed to be when he appeared in iron man's house at e end of e credits. sahan said he's some guy from some association of superheroes thingy. or sthg like that. go catch it if u hvnt. there's chinese subs, so u need not bring ur dictionary along. =)

finally, it's over..

Now playing: Lindsay Lohan - Over
via FoxyTunes

{Get back up there}