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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

~* talk cock, sing song, play mahjong not yet *~

woot! readers of my blog can now talk cock n sing song. haha. unfortunately, i hvnt find a way to play mahjong on my blog. anybody who noes how, pls lemmie noe..

been listenin to music on for a few yrs liao. but recently they haf this embed thingamajig, so decided to gif it a try. lazy to use, or sthg similar cos u need to add e songs manually. n everytime u visit e person's blog, it'll play e same songs in e same order. but plays random songs of e music genre u set. for now, i set it to play music from artists similar to avril lavigne.

im in e middle of my hell week. 2x presentation rehearsals + 2x tests + 2x presentations. hopefully hell girl Jigoku Shoujo doesnt come n find me. haha.

dear's in germany now.. life sux when u're gone.
ich liebe dich, ich vermisse sie sehr viel.

Now playing: Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, April 13, 2008

~* L*O*S*E*R *~


everythin above this line was reproduced wif permission from bean's blog. haha.

he was e loser yesterday cos nobody wanted to eat wif him. n i'm e loser for today. i smsed leo whether he wanna haf dinner after my kid's tuition anot. but apparently, he didnt rcv my sms. after tuition, i called leo n he said he's havin dinner wif bean.

wat losers we are.. =(

Now playing: The Cardigans - Losers
via FoxyTunes

Friday, April 11, 2008

~* friends for sale *~

been playin friends for sale these few days. dunno y. i swore to myself not to use facebook. i created an account for fun jus to noe wats all e hype abt. i didnt even put my picture in my profile n it's amazin that so many frens managed to find me. hmm. if frens can b bought/sold in real life, den i think shit (short for she/he/it) doesnt deserve to be my fren..

aniwaes, in e pic above, u can see that nicky poo owns me. but at e same time, he's my pet. how can that be?! who's e pet n who's e owner? a pet cant be the owner of the owner of the pet itself.

ok. imagine urself havin a cat as a pet. den u bring ur pet cat out for a walk. (hmmm. do u bring cats out for walks?) den ur pet cat meets another cat on e streets n says, "meow, mmeow meeow meoow meoww memeow!" translated: "dude, check out my pet human!"

aniwae, dear dear is in italy now. ti amo, li manco molto =( kiss kiss!

Now playing: Chris Brown - Kiss Kiss [Ft. T-Pain]
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

~* i love my wallpaper very much too, can! *~

if u're wonderin wth is this post for, refer to Cikgu Bean's n Doktor Wenphei's bloggies. haha. as u can see from my calendar, this is my 'free' week b4 another round of hell nx week. deadlines r reali meant to kill u.

aniwaes, inspired by e underwear post in Towkay Koh's bloggie, i found sthg to make u laugh (well, at least it made me) while tryin to escape from hell week. click to enlarge, unless u're a photographer n like to pixel-peep. lol.

Now playing: Mariah Carey - Touch My Body
via FoxyTunes

Monday, April 07, 2008

~* el cheapo *~

wow. it's been about a month since my last entry. it's not that i have nthg to write abt, but jus dun feel like bloggin. been rushin like mad to complete assignments n project reports b4 e deadlines. e hibernation season has officially begun n e exams r abt 3weeks away. i'll b muggin in sci lib as usual.

i decided to blog today cos i was so damn pissed off at some prof in sch. smwhere in sep last yr, he contacted me n asked me to do a portraiture for his daughter. he rescheduled the shoot like 3 times cos he wasnt free to make it down to e studio. finally, i shot her i oct. sounds ok? wait till it comes to pymt.

he asked me to email e invoice to him n set a date for txn. and i didnt get a reply. soon after, it was e exams period. followed by e hols. i went to his office a few times but he was not there. call/sms/email also no reply. i repeated that cycle for abt 7 times alr.

last thu, i went to his office n he was in. he had guests but i didnt care. his excuse: he's been travellin ard for conferences.. bla bla.. n he doesnt like to communicate via sms, so he doesnt reply sms. wtf! shldnt he at least haf e basic courtesy/responsibility to reply? even if let's say, he doesnt noe how to sms, he couldve at least called me rite. wateva la. guess wat he said to me in e office? yup! email e invoice to him n set a date for txn. and yes, no reply again.

think this has been goin on way too long. so today i went to his office. he had e cheek to ask me y didnt i email him. i told him i did. den he went to check his inbox n found my email. UNREAD. e amt due was $110. he took out 3x $50 notes but i dun haf enuf change. i took out 3x $10 notes, expectin that he would pay me xtra $10 to compensate for e late pymt n stuf. instead, he asked," can u gif me a $10 discount? n get this over n done wif." i was too stunned to say anythin. took e $100 n left.

cant believe an NUS prof earnin a 5-figure salary, askin for a $10 discount from an undergrad. engin fac summore. luckily not from my dept. utterly disgustin. PUI!

aniwae, on a separate note, dear's in spain now. te quiero, le falto mucho. xxx

Now playing: Madonna & Justin - 4 Minutes (Album Version)
via FoxyTunes

{Get back up there}