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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

~* merry xmas *~

dear dear got for me a spongebob squarepants tin wif ALOT of popcorn inside. haha. so cute. i got her a pair of roxy socks to keep her feet warm in uk.

20mm, f/4, 1/45s, iso800

many faces of spongebob
21mm, f/4, 1/90s, iso800

What is fun? Let me spell it for you

F is for friends you do stuff together
U is for you and me
N is for anywhere and anytime at all

Down here in the deep blue sea

Now playing: Spongebob Squarepants - FUN Song
via FoxyTunes

Friday, December 21, 2007

~* escape to escape *~

'holiday' part 2: escape theme park
6mm, f/2.8, 1/200s

ufo-thingy ride
6mm, f/5.6, 1/800s

go-kart ride
6mm, f/2.8, 1/640s

ferris-wheel ride
6mm, f/2.8, 1/400s

rain pls go away
6mm, f/5.6, 1/400s

weee.. my fav ben & jerry's new york super fudge chunk
6mm, f/2.8, 1/5s

after that, we went to white sands to jalan jalan. walked into more than words n saw a nice pair of fone pouches.

32mm, f/4, 1/30s, iso800

combined image

after that we passed by a neoprint (or wateva u call it) shop n decided to take a pic. we had no idea how to use it cos it was in bloody japanese. n it said we had unlimited time to 'draw' on e pix. but after like 10mins of figurin out wat icon is for wat, e timer started to count down. -_-'"

pictures of you, pictures of me

this is e most fun day i've ever had in a long time. happy 13th month anniversary, dear. love u.

Now playing: The Last Goodnight - Pictures Of You
via FoxyTunes

Monday, December 17, 2007

~* zhng my fan *~

my mobo chipset fan is almost reachin its end of life. kuku corbell (msi distributor) replaced my half-dead fan wif another half-dead fan from another user who rma for e same reason. wtf! they say e fan not in production liao. at that time, e replacement fan was slightly better den mine. so i agreed to change. if e fan stalls, jus gif it a tap n it'd spin back to life. until one day, my comp hang due to overheatin.

used-n-half-dead replacement fan35mm, f/4, 1/180s, iso1600

made my way down to slt. so hard to find e correct dimension. i cant simply replace e whole thing unless i get one wif e exact dimensions cos if not it'll block e graphics card. after walkin into almost every shop, finally found one which sells 35mm fan.

new sunon fan
40mm, f/4, 1/180s, iso1600

but some work has to b done. had to cut off e fan housing n stick it directly to e heatsink cos it couldnt fit into e old fan holder. e new fan is slightly noisier cos it has a higher speed. which is good. more airflow to cool e rather hot chipset wif a pathetically small heatsink.

final product
32mm, f/4, 1/125s, iso1600

Now playing: Linkin Park - Bleed It Out
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, December 15, 2007

~* local tourist *~

dear n i were supposed to go on a holiday to bintan. unfortunately, dear couldnt get her visa in time. so we spent our 'holiday' in sg. haha. we went for e dhl balloon ride at tan quee lan street. wanted to see e sun set over e city from 150m high.

dhl balloon
17mm, f/4, 1/125s, iso200

when we got there it was stil cat a even though it wasnt rainin. so we waited for e nx weather update. n we got bored. haha.

we had our own balloon 'ride'
30mm, f/4, 1/20s, iso200

bored of waitin
17mm, f/4, 1/10s, iso1600

e sun has set but eventually, we got e tix for e nx ride at 1925h. yay. it took abt 4mins to ascend n stayed there for another 3mins b4 descendin.

dear dear 150m above sea level
17mm, f/4, 1/45s, iso1600

view overlookin bugis
17mm, f/4, 1/20s, iso1600

view overlookin suntec city
17mm, f/4, 1/20s, iso1600

us after e ride
17mm, f/4, 1/20s, iso1600

after that, we went to bugin junction to walk walk. but most of e shops were closed. so had our dinner b4 walkin down to orchard.

dear at e golden compass display at bugis junction
17mm, f/4, 1/30s, iso1600

dear outside sam, which used to b e former compound of my alma mater
17mm, f/4, 1/20s, iso1600

xmas lightin along orchard road
17mm, f/4, 1/125s, iso800

we watched the golden compass at 0015h at the cathay. it was a nice movie. i wish i haf my own daemon so i dun need to get a pet. it can talk to me some more. even e polar bear king wanted his own daemon too. so shoik lor. haha.

my life wouldnt haf been e same without u, girlfriend.

Now playing: Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend
via FoxyTunes

Friday, December 14, 2007

~* where is my new dell? *~

it's been one week n i hvnt got news abt my new lcd. apparently, e dell rep i contacted went on xmas leave n will b back only nx week. damn. cant wait that long so i decided to calibrate this one 1st. my freshies haf been waitin one whole sem for e oweek photos. i didnt do it as i dun like to edit photos on my small lappy screen. now that e screen's calibrated (but tilted) i realised how much workspace i haf. after photo edittin n ignorin ppls' msn (cos i work in full screen) for awhile, i decided to try sthg. use my lappy n run dual screen mode. wow! simply amazin. now i can edit photos on e big screen while msnin n see wat music is bein played on my lappy screen. i'm lovin it!

my new workstation
17mm, f/4, 1/20s, iso400

never again will i need to edit my photos on my lappy lcd.

Now playing: Kelly Clarkson - Never Again
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, December 09, 2007

~* fear *~

spent e weekend playin a new game, FEAR Perseus Mandate, which i got specially to play on my comp wif e new lcd. it's e sequel to e original FEAR game which i've completed. it's so wonderful to play a wide screen-optimised game on a wide screen lcd. u get to see more den wat u get on a 4:3 lcd. here r a few screen shots.

headshot an ATC guard holdin on to a first aid kit. haha.

i see my lcd in e game!

stil waitin for e replacement lcd to come. hope it comes soon so i can do a colour calibration. losta photos to edit. this time pls do it well, dell.

Now playing: Jennifer Lopez - Do It Well
via FoxyTunes

Friday, December 07, 2007

~* ding dong dell *~

got my lcd today. i was so happy to rcv such a big parcel. haha. unfortunately, e happiness didnt last long. found quite alot of defects. i called dell up n told dem abt it. they asked me to email photos of e defects. hope they'll gif me a new one for another round of happiness at my doorstep.

bundle of joy
3.8mm, f/2.8, 1/8s, iso200

e screen is not perfectly horizontal
17mm, f/4, 1/30s, iso800

scratch on e crotch
40mm, f/4, 1/8s, iso800

scar on e left leg
40mm, f/4, 1/6s, iso800

scratch on e right leg
17mm, f/4, 1/6s, iso800

skin peeling at e chin
40mm, f/4, 1/20s, iso800

hai. so sad. will b waitin for u at my door until u come.

Now playing: Elliott Yamin - Wait For You
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, December 01, 2007

~* shitex *~

went to shitex wif dear dear after her paper today. even though it was bloody far at expo n we're stil havin exams, i had to go down to get my stuf. cos i missed comex at suntec in sept. n y do i call it shitex? cos it's like shit. n i'm sure everybody agree wif me. can see from e crowd, or, e lack of it. even singtel wasnt there. maybe cos they had no business from comex most prob due to e odex saga. c'mon la. there was nthg attractive. e price was normal. some are even higher (cos e product is bundled wif "free" useless stuf, which is actually included in e price). n there were ppl promotin cars, car accessories, insurance, saving plans. wtf?! aniwaes, this is wat i got..

dell ultrasharp 2208wfp
y dell? cos samsung has panel issues wif 226bw, backlight bleedin issues wif 226cw, n i dun like e glossy screen of e 2232gw. so everybody is stayin away from samsung n recommendin lg l226wtq-bf. but i dun like its design. initially wanted to get dell ultrasharp 2407wfp which was super cheap. can pay interest-free installments of $70 some more. den i realise that my stupid citibank clear card has a credit limit of $500. -_-'" o well. e good thing abt dell is that e monitor will b delivered to my house instead of cash n carry n givin me a free flimsy trolley. it's $30 cheaper den e online price n it also comes wif 5yrs ext warranty instead of 3yrs. dear dear also likes e design. she said it's cute. like small man wif big head. -_-'"

epson stylus cx7300
damn sad la. my stylus photo rx510 died. i love e ccd scanner which could scan negs. e new cis scanner is ok ok la. but cant do film scannin. that xplains y it's height is kinda low profile. replacin ink is also much cheaper now. $50 instead of $100. comes wif a free trolley (yay?) n a swensen's complimentary meal voucher for dear dear (yay?).

razer proclick mobile notebook mouse
was considerin either this or e logitech v470 cordless laser mouse for notebooks. which is slightly more ex but it comes wif a tilt wheel n low batt indicator. but e fugly blue colour of e actual mouse is very different from e pic on their website. furthermore, this is a razer. how can i not resist its ah beng blue light. haha. comes in 4 colours. mine is called naughty black. jus like me. haha.

thanx to gerald who helped me make payment for e 2208wfp.
thanx to fabian who lent me his ink so that i could announce e time of death of my rx510.
thanx to dear dear who tolerated my bad shoppin skills, walkin up n down e hall like 10 times.

total damage: ard $1000.

there goes my 135L or 70-200L.
there goes my bintan trip wif dear dear.
another yr of savin up to do.

gimmie more money, britney bitch!

Now playing: Britney Spears - Gimme More
via FoxyTunes

{Get back up there}