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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Friday, August 24, 2007

~* semester 5 *~

finally got time to sit down n update my blog.. since e last post, i've been bz wif a few photog ass n engin o-week.. i'm into my 3rd yr now.. that's pretty fast.. 2 weeks haf passed but i hardly learn anythin..

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

~* ring ring *~

here comes one of my many outdated entries..

went out wif dear to plaza sing to celebrate our 9th month anniversary. walked ard b1 n we passed by couple labs, a shop which sells rings n stuf. saw a ring i liked n so we decided to get it. e design is similar to that of bits n pieces xcept that e black n silver parts r inverted. i dun reali fancy a black ring wif a silver line in e middle. while waitin for e rings to b engraved, we went for dinner at ljs. half hour later, we went to their main outlet at level 2 to collect e rings.

f/5.6, 1/30s, iso800, 34mm

beside couple labs was this other accessories shop. i think it's called jo's craft. dear wanted to get sthg for her fren. after lookin ard, e staff showed us a very nice pendant. in e end, i decided to get that for her n find another pendant for her fren instead.. lol.

a very happy day for us esp dear dear.. =P

{Get back up there}