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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

~* scarred for life.. *~

bumped into ewwx at e4 today.. she was talkin to her fren while i was walkin towards her wif sahan n py.. she saw me.. i wanted to wave n say hi to her until she looked away..

sometimes u cut urself too deep that even after a few yrs haf passed, e wound hasn't heal yet.. n even if it does heal eventually, e scar will oways b there to remind u of e excruciatin pain of e past..

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

~* annyong ha shimnikka.. *~

went to seoul garden wif dear dear on our 4th monniversary.. we took almost all e diff chicken flavours.. my fav is stil e teriyaki chicken.. i think coffee chicken is e most retarded flavour eventhough i like coffee.. haa.. we ate n ate n ate.. think we ate e whole garden.. hee.. i enjoyed e time we spent tonight.. hope to haf many more times like this together..

Sunday, March 11, 2007

~* singapore ultimate.. *~

went to shoot singapore ultimate.. basically it's a game of frisbee taken very seriously.. game play is similar to rugby.. i'm stil in e learnin process.. not an easy sport to pick up.. n an even harder sport to shoot.. e players move so fast n it's hard to predict where they gonna throw e frisbee to..

iso100.. f/4.. 1/500s.. 200mm..

girls team..
iso100.. f/4.. 1/500s.. 200mm..

chio anot?
iso100.. f/4.. 1/1000s.. 200mm..

synchronized mis-catchin..
iso200.. f/4.. 1/2500s.. 200mm..

iso200.. f/4.. 1/4000s.. 130mm..

yoga on e field..
iso200.. f/4.. 1/1000s.. 140mm..

iso200.. f/4.. 1/2000s.. 110mm..

after that, i took a 1.5hr bus ride to simei to meet daniel.. it's been so long since i last went to his shop.. stayed there till his shop closes at 10pm.. he gave me a 'fish' to wind my earphones cable.. ha.. he gave me waffles n a loaf of blueberry bread n den sent me home.. how nice of him..

iso800.. f/4.. 1/15s.. 40mm..

Friday, March 02, 2007

~* stresses.. *~

wow.. didnt blog for one week liao.. been such a hectic week of long days n late nights.. been doin work till abt 4am b4 goin to slp.. had 2 tests on tue.. mech design at 1000h, engin maths at 1930h.. feedback ctrl test on wed 1200h.. had lab after that n did e lab report.. thu had to submit e fieldtrip report for gek1008.. n after all that, my nose ran away from me today n hvnt come back since..

on e way home last nite, i realised that it's oredi march.. wow.. time fly by so fast huh.. even my gf realised that we hvnt gone out together for one month.. hope to spend some time together nx wkend..

nusps montage committee is not doin too well too.. progress is slow.. i've got a marketin director who does things on his own w/o informin e committee.. i've got a creative director who is very confident in leavin e design till e last min.. e biggest worry now is securin speakers for e seminar.. i reali hope montage doesnt fail in my hands..

ugh.. i've got so many things in my mind, but so little time..

{Get back up there}