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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Saturday, February 24, 2007

~* back.. *~

guess who's back? back again.. baobei's back.. back again.. yay..

took e mrt to changi airport.. hvnt been there since like 2001.. had to stand while readin my maths notes throughout e whole journey.. took e sky train [wow..] to terminal 1.. waited for her anxiously outside gate 23.. n there she comes.. pushed e trolley to e taxi stand.. limo service has no queue.. of cos la.. boardin fee onli is oredi $25.. regular taxi queue is longer than $2m toto draw.. haa.. so we took e train back to buona vista.. guess wat.. yup.. stood all e way back.. waited like foreva at e taxi stand b4 we managed to get a taxi.. finally i get to sit down..

wen we reached her room, we found out that there was a water seepage/leakage from e roof or sthg.. her bed was damp.. there was mould on her pillow.. yucks.. mould grew on e lilies which i gave her for vday too.. so i helped to clear up her room n put everythin washable into e laundry basket n bring it down to e laundry room..

had chicken burger n fried rice wif fried chicken for dinner.. while she had teriyaki beef sandwich.. n i was forced to eat salad wif her.. hmmm.. so much for chingay parade.. pang seh-ed peiyan for my no-show.. so sorry girl.. so i had to make full use of my camera which i brought along..

iso800, 17mm, f/4, 1/50s..

iso1600, 22mm, f/4, 1/40s..

i'm jus happy that my gf's safely back in sg.. missed her so much throughout e whole 1 week.. n sch's gonna start again.. n so r e tests n assignments.. hai..

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

~* protege.. *~

1st time i'm steppin out of my house durin dis hol.. haa.. went to watch protege wif peiyan.. hmmm.. my 2nd chinese movie after 'one last dance'..

went to e cathay.. there were so many ppl.. wanted to watch e 1910h show but it was sold out.. wonder y so many ppl today since it's a normal work/sch day.. maybe they got alot of hongbao money dis yr.. haa.. so we bought tix for e 2120h show.. which ended up full house also.. went window shoppin in ps to kill time..

nice movie.. they actualli showed e process of heroin makin.. from e poppy fields in e golden triangle thailand to 'US dollars' to 'HK dollars' rite down to traffickin it.. haa.. e onli gross part was wen e junior 'chef' panicked wen police raided e 'kitchen' n he smashed e officer's hand wif a sledgehammer until it dropped off.. haa.. cool..

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

~* untitled.. *~

nthg to blog.. it has been a very borin hols so far.. dun even bother to think of a title for today's post..

1. cny falls on term break n not on a normal workin day
2. term break means muggin for mid-sem tests
3. i've got 3 tests in 2 days wen sch reopens..
4. my gf is back home in hangzhou

Sunday, February 18, 2007

~* oink oink.. *~

sent a cny wish to daniel via sms.. he den replied askin me to check my acc balance.. i haf a credit of $23.88 as hongbao money.. haa.. it's actuali my belated birthday pressie.. thanx dude..

aniwaes, happy piggy new yr!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

~* lonely.. *~

my baobei has left for china last nite.. i could onli hug n kiss her goodbye at pgp's foyer.. didnt go to e airport as her flight was at 0245h.. continued talkin on e fone until it was time for her to board e plane..

surprised to rcv a mornin greetin via sms from a 13-digit mobile number.. it was from my baobei.. she has arrived at shanghai.. it was cold n rainin over there.. while it's like super hot over here.. haa..

my baobei has reached home.. muz b reali delighted to b reunited wif her family..

went off to gif tuition as usual, but left home slightly earlier cos i left my pencil case in sch last nite..

i'm jus slackin e whole day today.. played F.E.A.R. all e way until now.. hee..

i gotta start muggin..

Friday, February 16, 2007

~* sex sex sex.. *~

went for my southeast asia studies lect dis aftn.. e 1st thing e lecturer said is, "since e other lecturer is not here today, i shall jus do sex on my own" haa.. today's lecture was abt sex n gender in SEA nations.. at e end of e lect, we watched a video of thailand's famous alcazar cabaret show.. e performers r all wat they call 'Katoeys' a.k.a. those who went for 'gender reassignment'.. followin that was e annual "Greatest Lady-man Pageant in the World".. yup.. a beauty contest for transsexuals. i muz say that some of dem r more attractive than real women.. hee.. realised that diz will b my 3rd post abt sex in 3 consecutive days.. haa..

after e lect, went for a run ard e sch track.. followed by a few rounds of dota n cs in dmc.. haa..

Thursday, February 15, 2007

~* v for valentine.. *~

had a simple vday wif my baobei last nite.. i went to clementi kfc n da bao 2 zinger meals.. initially wanted to get e cny family feast thingy but den i cant eat 6 out of 8pcs.. hee.. furthermore it doesnt come wif any drinks.. met her e lobby of her residence.. surprised her wif a bouquet of pink tulips..

in her room, we watched "blood diamond" while munchin our zingers away.. regretted not watchin e movie wen it was showin in e cinema.. shitty leonardo de caprio doesnt mean that it'll b a shitty movie.. cinematography is wonderful wif blood splatterin everywhere.. hee..

today marks e 3rd month of us bein together.. wonder y it took me so long to find her.. hee..

to those who r stil single, fret not.. "e rite one" is stil in e makin.. wanna get laid? look somewhere else.. not wif ur valentine.. unless ur legally married to her.. n in case u're wonderin [from my previous post].. no.. i didnt get laid last nite.. n i'm happy abt it..

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

~* storm e front.. *~

woke up late today n missed e 1st 3hrs of sch.. jus in time for lunch.. hee.. but e canteen was crowded.. we had to keep a look out for ppl who're abt to finish their meal n stand in front of their table.. hee.. after lunch i had mech of materials n feedback ctrl systems tut.. mom2's tutor is super boring whereas f/b's tutor is so good.. doesnt reali matter to me as i hvnt been doin my tut b4 hand.. hee..

fluid mech new lecturer is super borin.. i tot that nobody could b more borin den e previous lecturer.. boy.. i was wrong..

after sch, sahan n i wanted to print our lab reports n other stuf at yih cblc.. guess wat.. we ended up playin cs in dmc.. haa..

sian.. watchin today's e arena now.. today's motion: teach 1st, sex later.. my motion: sex 1st, think abt e consequences later.. heehee.. y not? wat r e chances of u gettin laid? pay for sex not counted..

Monday, February 12, 2007

~* new toy.. *~

hmmm.. monday is my onli free day.. sch ended at 1400h.. daniel came to meet me in sch.. we had lunch n den left for Corbell Tech [local service centre for MSI products] at amk.. y was i goin there? here's e story..

my 6600gt died a few mths ago.. i think i hit one of e resistor/capacitor thingy while tryin to remove my hard disk [i hate seagate drives].. since e warranty was over, i decided to source for a 2nd hand card.. bought a 6800gs for onli $120.. it was workin happily until abt a week later, my hard disk died again.. n guess wat.. i hit one of e resistor/capacitor thingy again.. n now my 6800gs i sent it to corbell as it's stil under warranty.. 3wks later they called me sayin that there're no spare parts for my card.. they offered to replace my 6800gs wif a 7600gt [which performs better despite bein a midrange model while mine is a lower high end model] or upgrade to 7900gt for $80..

$120+$80= $200

$200 for a 7900gt?! shops in sls r sellin it at ard $500.. i quickly grabbed e offer.. yay.. now i can play F.E.A.R at a super duper high frame rate.. n i've got one whole week to enjoy it as nx week is my term break.. !!! oh.. i've got 2 tests once sch starts again.. bummer..

aniwae, after amk, we went to temasek poly.. dan's gf is studyin there.. so while waitin for her, we were studyin in e library.. E LIBRARY HAS 10 [TEN] LEVELS!!! it's a very nice place wif lotsa individual study tables.. i was [tryin to] do my fluid mech tut.. but ended up helpin dan in his indices n logarithm tut.. hehe..

Thursday, February 01, 2007

~* cakes n wishes.. *~

ello ppl! it's been like (eons)^10 since i last blogged.. haa.. lotsa things happened since july 2006.. wow.. cant believe it's been 6mths liao.. hopefully i can remember everythin n slowly blog backdates entries..

i shall begin wif my 23rd birthday.. i'm so old liao.. =( aniwae.. i celebrated my birthday like 5 times diz yr.. haa.. one of e best in my life..

birthday celebration 1:
celebrated wif my gf.. yea.. i've been happily attached for like almost 4mths liao.. =) we baked a coffee cake together in pgp pantry.. actualli she jus poured in e ingredients n i was e one beatin e batter.. nice quick workout there.. she gave me a leather card holder cum coin pouch thingy too.. muack!

birthday celebration 2:
sahan treated me to a plate of chicken rice (extra rice) for lunch..

birthday celebration 3:
peiyan bought a cheesecake from spinelli n a customised metal plate thingy wif my name on it which is now hangin on my room door..

birthday celebration 4:
nusps 38mc bought me a blueberry cake n we shared among e comm..

birthday celebration 5:
gerald found out abt my birthday n he sent me a cake emoticon through msn..

{Get back up there}