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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Saturday, May 27, 2006

~* montage 2006 open judging.. *~

yup.. submitted these 2 pix for montage.. it's quite shitty rite.. of cos la.. i'm in e organisin committee.. i've got so many publicity stuf to do.. where got time to go out take pix.. aniwae.. both my entries got 3pts out of 15.. =(

"catch of the day"
60mm.. f/5.6.. 1/320s.. iso100..

"the playground"
hmm.. inspired by darren soh's "while you were sleeping" hee..
18mm.. f/10.. 30s.. iso100..

Thursday, May 25, 2006

~* piccolo cf crib.. *~

if u noe me long enuf.. u'd see dis hangin on my bag since 2001.. even though it's not e same bag anymore la.. so how did it get there?

49mm.. f/14.. 1/50s.. iso800..

liz n i were havin lunch at bk, westmall.. we saw a baby boy in his pram opp our table.. he was wearin dis pair of shoes.. she asked me whether e shoes will look nice on our baby.. i told her of cos it'll look nice.. anythin n everythin on our baby will look nice.. but den by e time we haf a child of our own, e shoes no more le.. so we decided to buy it 1st n keep one side each.. n den wen our bundle of joy arrives one day.. he'll b wearin a pair of vintage adidas.. haa.. cool rite..

31mm.. f/14.. 1/50s.. iso800..

we went to lotsa sports shops n adidas boutiques to find e shoes but to no avail.. eventually after spendin many weeks.. i found it! forgot where though.. e print on e receipt faded le.. e name of e shoes is "piccolo cf crib".. we liked e name.. piccolo is e name of a musical instrument.. cos liz plays e sax while i play e clarinet.. how apt.. however we dunno wat does cf stand for..

37mm.. f/8.. 1/50s.. iso400..

by e way.. i think e baby we saw would've been in pri 1 by now.. haa.. aniwae.. i've decided to wash e shoe n put it back in e box.. there's no reason y it shld b hangin on my bag anymore.. even liz doesnt hang e left shoe on her bag le.. how to stand/walk properly wif my own 2 feet wif onli 1 shoe.. i feel like a crippled man.. walkin wif onli one leg.. i didnt even get to fuck her.. wat fuck shit baby were we talkin abt..

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

~* dream dream dream.. *~

i had e most beautiful slp last nite.. until i was woken up at ard 1pm by my phone.. leo asked me wat time m i goin to work.. -_-"' i dreamt that liz n i were back together.. i dreamt that we were in sydney on a holiday.. havin so much fun.. so much joy.. so much laughter.. y sydney? cos last nite i watched e chinese drama serial.. fann wong was in sydney.. haa.. sydney does seem like a beautiful place to visit..

i laid in bed for another hour or so.. cryin.. realisin that it was onli a dream.. if onli dreams could gif u a sneak preview of wats to come in e future.. hai..

i wonder how's she doin.. how's life in tampere, finland.. wonder wen is she comin back to sg..

aniwae.. took 5 buses to get to sch.. haa.. 145, 111, 74, 92, 95.. an average of 3 stops per bus.. y? cos i registered myself for that sbs concession pass thingy..

Saturday, May 20, 2006

~* montage 2006 workshops.. *~

today was montage 2006 "behind the seen" workshops.. i was e event photographer.. nthg much to say abt e workshop itself.. by lookin at e turnout.. i think it was a success..

18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/60s.. iso800..

18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/60s.. iso800..

i jus had to do dis.. haa..
18mm.. f/3.5.. 30s.. iso800..

darren soh session was kinda entertainin.. he's a funny guy.. somehow managed to help me develop my own personal vision in photography..

38mm.. f/5.. 1/60s.. iso800..

it's a pity that cedric lim couldnt make it.. we showed a video instead.. e video which was made by teng yong n yit leong was very impressive by my standards.. balls to those ppl who complained that e audio was noisy n e video got lotsa shake.. bear in mind that we had onli like one week to compile e video.. TY n YL spent e days n nites to do it..

18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/60s.. iso800..

john cosgrove's session was very informative too.. learnt a few new zhngin techniques.. it'll b good if i could haf a wacom tablet.. but i think i'll stick to my panadol instead..

30mm.. f/5.6.. 1/60s.. iso800..

after e workshop.. i was supposed to join e rest of e committee for dinner.. however i had to gif tuition.. bleh.. it has been a tiring day.. o ya.. submission for e photographic competition will close tmr midnite.. i hvnt submit any photos yet.. damn..

Monday, May 15, 2006

~* attack of e chinese cockroaches.. *~

ok.. dis is wat happen in e 2nd half of e day.. had a quick shower n left sentosa immediately.. cos we're not sure how to drive to victiria theatre n dunno how will e traffic condition b like.. aniwae.. we reached vt jus in time.. it's a performance by dunman high sch chinese society.. in conjunction wif e sch's 50th anniversary.. e performance is called "e rhapsody of spring"..

freddie n i were told that it's a dance cum drama thingy.. but we weren't told that it'll b entirely in chinese.. -_-"' even e program booklet is in chinese.. well.. time for me to make use of my 10yrs knowledge of e language.. abit rusty.. but if all else fail.. there's stil freddie.. haa..

princess dunno-wats-her-name..
185mm.. f/2.8.. 1/250s.. iso1600..

2 bad uncles of e young prince..
80mm.. f/2.8.. 1/125s.. iso1600..

dis pose reminds me of a drum major in a military band..
80mm.. f/2.8.. 1/125s.. iso1600..

e imperial guards..
80mm.. f/2.8.. 1/125s.. iso1600..

e musicians..
200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/180s.. iso1600..

attack of e chinese cockroaches..
112mm.. f/2.8.. 1/350s.. iso1600..

wassup wif e 'feelers'?
115mm.. f/2.8.. 1/500s.. iso1600..

he lost e fite..
200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/320s.. iso1600..

e young prince n his men..
200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/500s.. iso1600..

aah.. sthg more modern at last..
80mm.. f/2.8.. 1/160s.. iso1600..

e reason y we went to watch e performance..
112mm.. f/2.8.. 1/100s.. iso1600..

80mm.. f/2.8.. 1/100s.. iso1600..

80mm.. f/2.8.. 1/90s.. iso1600..

80mm.. f/2.8.. 1/250s.. iso1600..

she's freddie's fren..
200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/180s.. iso1600..

200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/180s.. iso1600..

170mm.. f/2.8.. 1/125s.. iso1600..

80mm.. f/2.8.. 1/80s.. iso1600..

standup comedy..
200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/160s.. iso1600..

another dance..
200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/80s.. iso1600..

80mm.. f/2.8.. 1/125s.. iso1600..

125mm.. f/2.8.. 1/40s.. iso1600..

200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/100s.. iso1600..

e end..
29mm.. f/2.8.. 1/80s.. iso1600..

Sunday, May 14, 2006

~* bikini bottom.. *~

went to siloso beach at sentosa wif freddie.. he went there cos he had a beach vball match wif his frens.. i jus tagged along cos we're goin for some performance later in e evenin.. sunny day wif lotsa bikini babes..

siloso beach..
24mm.. f/3.2.. 1/2500s.. iso200..

24mm.. f/3.2.. 1/2500s.. iso200..

200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/1250s.. iso200..

200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/1250s.. iso200..

135mm.. f/2.8.. 1/160s.. iso200..

80mm.. f/2.8.. 1/160s.. iso200..

low angle..
24mm.. f/2.8.. 1/4000s.. iso200..

freddie doin a 'macho' pose..
100mm.. f/2.8.. 1/400s.. iso200..

80mm.. f/2.8.. 1/400s.. iso200..

david practicin his levitation skills..
200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/3000s.. iso200..

some action by wayne..
70mm.. f/2.8.. 1/3000s.. iso200..

i got e ball..
42mm.. f/2.8.. 1/750s.. iso200..

i got e ball again..
34mm.. f/2.8.. 1/1000s.. iso200..

our campsite..
24mm.. f/2.8.. 1/500s.. iso200..

e whole gang..
24mm.. f/2.8.. 1/180s.. iso200..

cutie pei shan..
200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/1000s.. iso200..

dun they look alike?
26mm.. f/2.8.. 1/640s.. iso200..

"buaya comin!"
70mm.. f/2.8.. 1/80s.. iso200..

man vs dog..
80mm.. f/3.2.. 1/3200s.. iso200..

man lost.. dog won..
155mm.. f/3.2.. 1/3200s.. iso200..

got better reception in e water..
80mm.. f/3.2.. 1/2000s.. iso200..

bikini babes..
200mm.. f/3.2.. 1/2000s.. iso200..

86mm.. f/3.2.. 1/320s.. iso200..

86mm.. f/3.2.. 1/640s.. iso200..

200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/1250s.. iso200..

100mm.. f/2.8.. 1/4000s.. iso200..

145mm.. f/2.8.. 1/2000s.. iso200..

200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/2500s.. iso200..

200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/2000s.. iso200..

200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/800s.. iso200..

24mm.. f/8.. 1/250s.. iso200..

cool tattoo..
200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/640s.. iso200..

24mm.. f/2.8.. 1/320s.. iso200..

nvr play beach vball wif shades on..
200mm.. f/2.8.. 1/60s.. iso200..

{Get back up there}