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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Thursday, January 19, 2006

~* female drivers r worse den cabbies.. *~

previously i haf blogged abt a cabby who drove like his owns e road.. dis is worse den ppl who drive as if it's their father's or grandfather's road.. but at least male drivers noe how to react in dis kinda situation.. i think.. unlike a lady driver.. she blames everythin else except herself wen she bangs her car onto others.. maybe she found me so damn yan dao tt she gave me a $2k+ kiss.. i dunno.. but $2k+ is alot of money.. it's tuition fees for one sem.. or a D70s wif SB800.. =)

i was in e 1st lane [right-most lane..] along orchard turn [one way road..].. wanna turn right into e 1st lane [right-most lane..] of orchard boulevard [one way road oso..].. my light was green.. but den jus nice my turn to come out.. e car in front of me was jus nice in front of e yellow box.. so i jus entered e yellow box n waited.. den my light turned red n e light on e main road [orchard boulevard..] turned green.. e car in front moved off.. so i moved in.. den BANG..! a 320i beemer from e left [or behind.. depends on where u're lookin from..] hit my front right corner.. e sound was quite loud from inside my car.. quite scary.. but no air bag popped out.. damn.. haa..

we got out of our cars.. her driver's door was dented.. den she asked me.. "y u come out? my light green leh.. so u're not supposed to move wat.." i told her.. "hello.. i entered e yellow box wen my light was green.. so wen ur light turned green.. u're supposed to gif way to me.. go home n open ur basic theory book n read up on yellow boxes.. o ya.. n right of way oso.."

she went back to her car to get e idac form to fill up.. as i've never been in an accident b4.. i oso dunno how to fill it up.. [after tt i realised tt e form is rather fool proof..] e best part was after i called my dad for advice.. she told me tt she called 995 n e ambulance will b comin down together wif e police.. i told her wtf for..! she said tt it's written at e back of e form.. "do not panic.. call 995.." i told her to read e nx line which says sthg like ".. if there r any casualties [or sthg lidat..] -_-'"

soon.. i can hear e ambulance siren wailin.. e funny part was wen e paramedis came out.. he was like lookin all over e place to find e casualty.. he like looked in e cars n even under e cars.. haa.. den i told him tt nobody was injured.. den he looked at me n gave e wtf look.. he asked e lady whether she was e one who called 995.. "do u noe tt dis is e number to call e ambulance in an emergency?!" wahahaa..

after tt e police came together wif a tp.. e officer told us tt since no public property was damaged.. n nobody got injured.. so we hafta settle it ourselves.. tts wat i told e stupid girl rite from e start..

ugh.. went back n got a nice lecture from my parents.. think my license will b 'suspended' by dem.. haa.. i will oso hafta pay for e repair cost wif my own money.. well.. hopefully not.. as i will b doin a 3rd party claim from e stupid girl..

accident area..

from her pt of view..

from my pt of view..

damage inflicted on a japanese by a german..

which look rather minor..

but there're 7 body parts to b changed..

damages on e entry-level german..

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

~* spectrum 2006.. *~

nusps organised a bazaar entitled 'spectrum 2006' at nus central forum from 18-20 jan.. we haf sthg which bazaars by other societies dun haf.. we haf a make over photo shoot wif free make up.. haa.. as usual.. i've been bz designin e publicity posters for it.. also featurin at e bazaar is an exhibition of e top 43 entries from 'colour and contrast 2006' nus photographic competition.. i've submitted a few pix of my own for e competition.. unfortunately none of dem got selected.. =(

e poster design..

e bazaar half..
18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/250s.. iso200..

e exhibition half..
24mm.. f/3.5.. 1/125s.. iso200..

if onli these ppl were lookin at my pix instead..
22mm.. f/3.5.. 1/100s.. iso200..

girly girl stuff oways sells..
18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/60s.. iso200..

gerald, e make up artist n e 'studio'..
18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/50s.. iso400..

Saturday, January 07, 2006

~* changi beach park by day.. *~

went for a photography workshop by canon n photovideoi.. conducted by john cosgrove.. went to canon dmh at bugis at 0830h.. after e briefin n other admin stuf.. we took e chartered bus to e location.. e place looked familiar.. den i realised tt it's e same route to saf ferry terminal.. haa.. o ya.. i loaned an EOS 20D wif an EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM lens worth $4890.. dunno how much e body costs though.. it was a cloudy day.. e rain jus stopped.. john told us tt diz kinda weather doesnt mean cant take good pix.. jus look out for things wif contrast.. towards e end of e workshop.. it started to drizzle again.. n den it got heavier.. so we decided to call it a day n head back to dmh to view our pix..

flyin kangaroo..
260mm.. f/9.. 1/125s.. iso100.. +1 step..

bubbly lobsters..
70mm.. f/5.6.. 1/200s.. iso100..

odd one out..
80mm.. f/5.. 1/125s.. iso200..

55mm.. f/5.6.. 1/125s.. iso200..

55mm.. f/5.6.. 1/160s.. iso200..

big tree..
30mm.. f/5.6.. 1/200s.. iso200..

my artistic attempt on a leafless tree..
28mm.. f/5.6.. 1/125s.. iso100.. +1.3 step..

another of my artistic attempt on e long bus ride back..
18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/200s.. iso100..

{Get back up there}