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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Thursday, December 29, 2005

~* wif age comes wisdom.. *~

spent $150 to see e dentist today.. i haf nvr been to e dentist's in my whole 21yrs [comin to 22.. hint hint..] of my life.. xcept in pri sch where there's diz mobile dental van thingy.. aniwae.. nthg much.. jus had lotsa plaque to b removed.. took an xray.. teeth perfectly healthy wif no signs of decay.. jus tt my wisdom teeth mite surface in a yr's time.. they're inclined at 45deg n will most prob push against my back teeth.. damn.. gonna cost me a bomb to get dem removed.. not to mention e excruciatin pain n not bein able to eat/talk for 2wks..

Monday, December 26, 2005

~* ah bish.. *~

the coffee connoisseur
top coffee connoisseur
tantalising caffeine concoctions
trusty choice companion
tie coat casual
total complete contentment
trademark classic coffee
the cuppas cuppa

diz was written on e paper serviette.. sorry.. stil thinkin abt e $7 spent on my iced mocha latte on xmas eve.. haa.. well.. it's been a cold n lonely xmas for me diz yr.. wif no pressies.. nobody to hug.. nobody to share e warmth of xmas wif.. n wif bad results to boot.. utterly disappointed at myself.. should've boxed myself for my bad results.. ah bish.. [since it's boxin day today..] haa.. ok.. nvm..

2005/2006 Sem 1 Examination for MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 1

Module Code Module Title Grade
CAP: 2.8

yupp.. mite as well dun study rite.. waste time, money n brain cells..

Sunday, December 25, 2005

~* merry bday n a happy xmas.. *~

well.. bernard's 22nd bday was on 231205.. but we were not free tt day.. so we went out tonite instead.. met up n had dinner at magic wok at united square.. e food sux.. cos they were abt to close.. e rice was all mushy.. like left overs.. e fried wan ton was more like fried wan ton skin.. there's like nothin inside.. well.. in all.. not worth mentionin n takin pictures..

after tt we went to selegie.. bernard wanted to bring us to diz place where we can play board games at $2 per hr per pax.. forgot e name of e place.. some mind sthg thingy.. but e place was booked for some private function.. damn..

went to tcc instead.. nice place.. nice decorations.. there're candles hangin from e ceilin.. feels like i'm in hogwarts dinin hall [harry potter].. haa.. aniwae.. i ordered iced mocha latte or sthg like tt.. for e same amt i can get a bk chicken whopper meal.. haa.. it came in a tall glass.. topped wif whipped cream n choc chips.. not bad.. enjoyed [had to] every single sip of it.. haa..

after tt we gave bernard his bday cum xmas pressie.. it's an op shirt.. took a few pix.. n went home as it was oredi almost midnite le..

me n my most expensive dose of caffeine ever..
18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/40s.. iso800..

arvin n bernard..
18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/30s.. iso800..

jus e 3 of us.. frenz foreva..
18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/30s.. iso800..

bernard openin his pressie..
18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/25s.. iso800..

i jus had to take a pic of diz.. pink panther huggin e xmas tree.. cute rite..
o ya.. can u see e floatin candle in e background..
55mm.. f/5.6.. 1/6s.. iso800..

at e car park..
25mm.. f/4.. 1/3s.. iso800..

arvin calls it bernard's shag pad.. haa..
18mm.. f/3.5.. 1/8s.. iso800..

bernard's reali into e xmas spirit.. wif xmas lights in e car..
18mm.. f/4.. 1/4s.. iso800..

Sunday, December 18, 2005

~* xbox outin.. *~

had an outin wif my engin camp frenz.. had lunch at swenson's.. den we watched king kong at cineleisure.. i think it's a nice show.. cant believe tt i actualli cried durin e movie.. think e last time i cried in e cinema was wen i watched pearl harbour.. call me a girl? wateva.. after e movie.. we splitted up.. i decided to hang ard orchard n take pix of e xmas celebration goin on.. i onli went home wen both camera batts went dead.. haa.. enjoy e pix..

e ppl from xbox.. [er.. wats left of dem.. haa..]
from left: me.. justin.. jun hao.. zer.. terrence.. sijia..
24mm.. f/4.. 1/60s.. iso400..

xmas tree outside paragon.. or isit b4 paragon?
24mm.. f/5.6.. 1/5s.. iso400..

candid shot of e street performers..
24mm.. f/4.. 1/60s.. iso400..

light trail.. quite a bad one though..
24mm.. f/32.. 18s.. iso200..

uncle swingin ard his big balls.. haa..
26mm.. f/4.. 1/60s.. iso400..

some guy playin on his didgeridoo.. i wanna learn circular breathin too..
32mm.. f/4.. 1/60s.. iso400..

horny gal..
70mm.. f/4.. 1/60s.. iso400..

horny boy..
70mm.. f/4.. 1/60s.. iso400..

check out his metallic tits.. haa..
24mm.. f/4.. 1/60s.. iso400..

jesus christ in da crib..
24mm.. f/4.. 1/60s.. iso400..

34mm.. f/4.. 1/60s.. iso400..

some aboriginal/tribal ppl..
24mm.. f/4.. 1/60s.. iso400..

hmmm.. didnt noe natives celebrate xmas too..
34mm.. f/4.. 1/60s.. iso400..

a few ppl came to see.. but didnt buy..
36mm.. f/32.. 28s.. iso400..

Sunday, December 11, 2005

~* fuckernabei cabby.. *~

almost lost my family diz aftn due to a fuckin city cab who cut into my lane.. i was travellin at ard 70-80kmh along farrer rd.. den diz fucked up driver who was in e lane to my right suddenly swerved into my lane.. i jammed e brakes n horned him.. i could feel e ABS pumpin.. he's onli like half his car's length away from me.. how to go in.. he stopped.. so i assume he's gonna turn back into his lane.. so i tapped e accelerator.. but instead.. he continued drivin into my lane.. i swerved to e left but on my left was a container trailer.. den e fucker happily drove off.. i had to wait for e trailer to move off cos i was too angled n too near to it.. floored e accelerator n managed to catch up wif e fucker.. but he was oredi on e left most lane.. n i couldn't change lanes le.. so i jus fuck e whole matter.. aniwae no damage was done.. should've taken down e fucker's cab number.. lodge a complaint to city cab.. n make e fucker lose his job n die.. hope e passenger realised tt he could've died too.. hope he would lodge a complaint.. cos wen e fucker swerved into my lane.. my car's front end was rite beside e left rear passenger.. so many lives could have been lost due to a fuckin cabby.. i was quite surprised wen i realised tt my 1.4L car managed to catch up wif a 3.0L diesel.. haa..

{Get back up there}