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killing for peace is like...

...fucking for chastity

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

~* don't drive home safely, drive home road safety.. *~

went to tphq at ubi to appeal for my alleged traffic offence.. took almost 2hrs to get there by bus.. stopped opp orion bldg but couldnt find tphq.. i went inside yamaha showroom to ask e sales person.. haha.. wen i got there, there were 30+ ppl in e appeal queue.. my stomach was growlin cos i rushed off rite after sch.. so i decided to haf my lunch 1st.. cost me quite a bomb.. $4.50 for a chicken cutlet wif fries..! wen i got back, there were stil 16 ppl in queue.. managed to do my homework n took a nap after tt..

finally, queue number 'a115' flashed on e electronic board.. so i walked towards e interview room.. n another guy out of nowhere jus entered e room.. i double checked my queue number to comfirm.. n it's reali my turn.. ok.. dunno wat's happenin so i jus waited for him to come out.. wen i entered e room, i asked e officer, wat queue number was e earlier guy.. it was supposed to b my turn but how come he went in instead.. den he stared at me n shouted, "u wat number?! gimi e paper!" den he asked me wat i wan.. for obvious reasons.. to appeal la rite.. dumb question.. u mean got ppl come to him for matchmakin service one ah? den he asked me how come e car is not under my name.. muz e driver of e car b e it's owner as well..? do i look like i can afford a car at diz age? obviously not rite.. it's my parents' car la..

aniwae, he told me i drove past 4 lamp posts while in e bus lane.. i asked him how he noe.. he said got tp officer at e bus stop lookin out.. so i assume tt officers nowadays officers r mutants wif 4 pairs of eyes.. den he told me e place of offence was along snow city.. i told him jur town hall is a long stretch of road n i onli entered e road after jur east library.. n i was intendin to keep right to enter aye..den u noe wat he said.. "precisely.. long road.. got more den enuf time to keep right.." fuck it la.. dun wanna argue wif him.. so tried to ask him to reduce e fine amt.. he said tt it's not possible.. it's mandatory n tt's e min amt..

got out from his office, paid up n left.. it was gettin kinda late alreadi n i'm takin e bus home.. it's a total waste of my time.. i could've went for my photog soc meeetin instead.. n saved $4.50 on e chicken cutlet..

Saturday, August 27, 2005

~* house keepin.. *~

as i had mentioned in my previous entry, photog soc had another meetin diz mornin.. we cleared up e digital media centre [dmc], darkroom n office.. for ur info, these facilities r located at yusof ishak house [yih] level 3.. lotsa flyers, posters, other publicity materials n even entries from 2003 n 2004 photog competition.. some of e entries look quite nice.. took some of dem home.. haha.. cant use dem for any other purposes though unless i get permission from e rightful owners.. so i dun think i'll post e pix up here.. but i can show u e designs of e name card n flyer made by eugene chow, our creative director.. he's like damn pro at usin photoshop lo.. check it out..

Friday, August 26, 2005

~* road traffic act [chapter 276].. *~

i came home n found a letter in e mail.. it said "on government service".. i tot i kena called back for in-camp trainin [ict] or sthg like tt.. as u noe la, saf owayz cock up one wat.. i wont b surprised even though i disrupt my ns for studies.. but it wasn't from saf.. it was from traffic police hq.. fuck man.. wat luck.. kena 4 demerit pts n fined $130 for "driving in a bus lane during prohibited hours under rule 8[1] rt [traffic sign] rules".. i suspect it's some fucked up bus driver saboh me one.. cos i din c any tp officers.. think they're now called bus captain can anyhow charge a corporal like me ah..? they din even go through ocs, call dem captain for fuck.. i jus turned left into e main road.. so obviously wen i turn left, i'll end up in e left most aka bus lane rite.. flicked my indicator stalk n tried to filter into e right lane but traffic was heavy.. stoopid typical sporeans will never gif way one.. so i gave up n cancelled my signal light.. den maybe some bus captain got shitty sporean passengers tt day, wanna vent his anger on me n took down my vehicle number n reported to tp.. suey sia.. now i hafta skip a day of school jus to make my way down to tphq at ubi to appeal for my alleged offence.. heard ppl say tt even if they accept my appeal, e most they can do is waive e $130 fine but i'll stil get e 4 demerit pts.. shit la.. i had a clean record for e past 3yrs n diz muz happen.. hai..wat a way to end e wk..

Thursday, August 25, 2005

~* meeting, meeting n more meetings.. *~

lemmie talk abt my meetings over e wk.. 1st.. engin day meetin.. i jus found out tt i need to come up wif e finalised poster design by mon.. cos they wanna put it in e engin mag for publicity purposes.. super not enuf time lo.. i stil need to think of how to design e banner leh.. n my team oso has to come up wif a proposal for e decoration of e venue..

2nd.. photog soc meetin.. i need to come up wif a finalised design for e exco name cards n committee recruitment drive flyer.. will hafta visit lotsa printin companies to get e cheapest quotations for printin dem.. will b havin another meetin diz sat..

i dunno where i'm gonna find time to do all diz shit stuf.. if onli i could stop e time.. den i can take my own sweet time to do dem.. cos i stil haf lotsa online n offline tutorials n assignments waitin to b submitted..

o ya.. had my phys tut today.. not bad.. finally had a proper tutor.. n yea.. he's local.. haha.. heard he's quite an experienced tutor.. i asked him a few qns regardin circular motion n he managed to answer dem all.. he's good man..

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

~* stressed beyond stress point.. *~

hmmm.. it's been a wk oredi since i last blogged.. been extremely busy lately.. it's e 3rd wk of e nus academic calender.. which means tutorial classes haf begun.. n assignments r oredi startin to come in.. gonna talk abit abt my tutors..

we had critical thinkin n writin on mon.. sporean wif vietnamese name.. nice lady.. but borin class.. it's like she talks n nobody responds to her.. haha.. maybe cos it's our very 1st tut in nus.. i dun even noe a single person in tt class.. 1st lesson oredi need to get ourselves into grps of 2-3 ppl for future project works.. oh ya.. she's e onli female species in e class of ard 15guys.. cos of her 'dead' class, she went though her lesson very slowly.. den wen she realise tt there's not enuf time, she 'floored e throttle'.. but stil, class ended late n we reached lt7a for our statics lec like 10-15mins late..

tue was jus 2hrs of tut.. maths.. china man.. or hongkee.. i dunno.. he looks damn young.. think he's like my age or maybe a yr older.. for ur info, i would've been in my 3rd yr if i didnt hafta 'defend' e country.. haha.. he spent like 15mins tryin to get e 2nd derivative of a function..! can u beleive tt..?! even my fren came who for tut wif an empty piece of paper managed to solve e qn long b4 him.. apparently he's weak in implicit differentiation n chain rule.. wat a loser.. oh ya.. i had a fren for diz tut grp.. he's name is ivan.. noe him through titus.. my o-wk mate.. n i oso haf another fren.. hanrong.. sji military band mate.. cool..

after tt, it was statics.. same room.. so we waited for our tutor.. den another guy came in.. he was wearin a light blue long sleeve shirt n he buttoned up every single button he could find on e shirt.. yes.. incl e topmost one at e collar.. n check diz out man.. he has a purple umbrella.. haha.. ok.. aniwae, he's a vietnamese.. another 4th yr student or sthg like tt.. he sux too.. pick ppl to write down their soln on e board.. den after they present their soln, we're asked us to clap enthusiastically for our frenz.. -_-"' den chose e most difficult qn in e tut n ask us to submit it to him for gradin on e next tut class..

had engin day meetin on tue evenin n will haf photog soc meetin on wed evenin, which is later.. think i'll talk abt e meetins another time..

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

~* *~

went to lt29 at sci fac for nus photographic society's annual general meetin ay2005/2006.. cos i missed their welcome tea session last wk.. so i wasn't aware tt today's meetin was actuali to vote for new e executive committee.. b4 i get to vote, i need to b a member of e society 1st.. ordinary member at $4/yr or member for life [which is actuali for e duration of ur course in nus] at $9.. i decided to sign up for e latter.. den i was thinkin, since i'm oredi here, y not i run for an exco post.. tried for e posts of pres n vice pres.. but it was unsuccessful.. primarily cos i had no experience as any one of dem.. den i tried again for e post of publicity director.. cos i was e asst head of publicity in my jc's photography club n i'm oso e publicity head for nus engin day.. so i thought i would stand a higher chance.. n guess wat.. i got e post.. yay..! e agm was supposed to end at 10pm but it dragged on till 11pm.. causin me to miss my anime; inuyasha n shaman king.. wonder wat happened to inuyasha n gang n asakura yoh n gang.. reached home almost midnite.. i need to ballot for my tut time slots now.. been tryin e whole day since 9am but e stoopid server was down.. e best past is tt i haf a maths lec tom at 8am.. dun wanna over slp n miss e lec again.. haha..

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

~* to e bat moblie..! *~

one of my fav cars.. lamborghini murcielago roadster.. murcielago is a spanish word for bat, as in e animal.. roadster means it's e topless version.. diz isn't a car to risk fidgetin abt in.. jus poke ur head an inch above e sharply cut-off windscreen leaves u exposed to a high velocity bombardment of bugs n other debris.. e air is so severe tt if u stretch up a little further n dare to take ur shirt off, ur nipples would b blown rite back into ur armpits.. tt's e measure of e intensity of experience diz fastest-ever open-topped lambo privides..

displacement: 6192 cc
engine: 12-cylinders in vee, 48-valves
max power: 580bhp @ 7500rpm
max torque: 650nm @ 5400rpm
redline: 8000rpm
transmission: 6-speed manual wif automated shifting & clutch
brakes: ventilated front/rear disc
brake calipers: 8-piston front/4-piston rear
tires: 245/35 zr18 front & 335/30 zr18 rear
drivetrain: all-wheel drive
weight: 1655kg
0-100km/h: 3.8s
top speed: more than 320km/h
fuel consumption: 21.5l/100km..

e cool thing abt it is tt e body is made from carbon-fibre.. if u drive hard enuf, e coolin pods will slide out menacingly from its flanks to feed cool air to e engine.. diz is like 10 times more orgasmic to look at compared to porsche 911's pathetic rear hood openin up at high speeds.. srs airbags r quite useless wen drivin at insane speeds.. n if batman decides to fly it upside down, 2 roll-over hoops set behind e seats r capable of poppin up in milliseconds to provide some element of protection.. it'll b cool to drive diz chick magnet to sch..

Monday, August 15, 2005

~* help.. help.. anyone..? ello..? meow..? *~

i jus found out in an imported car mag tt there're a few laws in spore which i never knew of..

"in spore, moblie phones r permanently confiscated if used in cars.. e fine for text messagin while drivin goes as high as £361 plus a half-yr ban.. three-time throwers of litter from their vehicles r prosecuted wif sunday street-cleanin duties, wearin a notice sayin 'i'm a litterer'.. oral sex is illegal in a car, unless 'used only as a form of foreplay', n so is not havin enuf petrol in one's tank wen leavin spore"

hmmm.. i dunno how true r these reports.. i tot oral sex was illegal in e 1st place.. unless maybe done in e privacy of my own home.. ok wateva.. i was appointed e head of publicity for e upcomin nus engin day.. it's on fri, 15 sept.. e theme for diz yr is 'reminiscence'.. it's half day for all engin students.. yay..! i'm supposed to design a poster based on e theme.. can anyone help me?

Sunday, August 14, 2005

~* if e body moves in small oscillations, Iθ'' = -(W)(d sinθ) ≈ -Wdθ *~

gave tuition today.. my student's eng prelim paper is tom.. wish him all e best.. checked my workbin in ivle n there're more lec notes n tutorials to print.. lookin at e rate of dem comin in, my printer's gonna run out of ink, put my bed in e livin room or slp on e stacks of papers reali soon, whicheva comes 1st.. haha.. i need to make way for my uni notes, txtbks n stuf.. so i decided to discard my 'a' levels stuf.. tot tt they mite come in handy wen i need to refer to dem or wen i haf an 'a' level student next time.. but den i've kept dem for 3yrs liao.. e syllabus mite haf changed anyway.. n it mite b a breedin groud or there's oredi an entire extended family of silverfish and/or cockroaches livin somewhere in between e pp.. haha..

so i took dem out from my cupboard n piled dem up in a neat stack.. fortunately, it's onli home to a frenly neighbourhood spider.. e pile stacked up to abt 1.2m..! din noe i had accumulated tt much papers in e 2yrs of my jc life.. think it's equivalent to a small tree or sthg.. haha.. gonna watch e webcast for fri's maths lec, which i was happily slpin at home, n attempt to do e tut wksht.. tom's e start of another hectic sch wk.. n tut lessons haven't even start yet.. i'm sure it'll get worse..

Saturday, August 13, 2005

~* potapotapotato.. tomatomatomato.. *~

i went for nus taekwondo club freshmen welcome tea session at 2pm today.. got a call last nite from one of e members to remind me abt it.. she told me tt i muz come cos food was catered for us.. din feel like goin out on a lazy sat aftn.. but den thinkin tt i oredi missed e freshmen welcome tea sessions for nus wind symphony n nus photographic society, y not i jus come down for today's makan session.. wen i reached, e 1st thing i looked for was food.. my tummy was growlin cos i haven't have my lunch yet.. den diz brown belt guy approached me n said, "hi..! do u haf prior experience? if u dun, u can join e rest of e white-belters n do some basic exercises.." i said, "yea.. i've a black belt, 1st dan, like 10yrs ago.." den he said, "uh.. ok.. den u can join us for trainin.." did some warmin up n stretchin exercises b4 we start punchin n kickin e target pads.. after trainin, e instructor wanted e freshmen to introduce ourselves.. there's diz cute gal who jus got her black belt wen she was in hcjc.. forgot her name though.. think it's chiew yi.. she's in sci fac if i'm not wrong.. she looks like jamie teo [not jamie yeo].. ok wateva.. n den it's time to dig in.. haha.. nothin much though.. jus lite refreshments like cakes n puffs.. chatted wif e seniors.. most of dem couldn't believe tt i'm a black-belter.. well, i got my junior-black, 1st poom wen i was in pri sch.. it was den converted to black, 1st dan in 2000.. 1 of e seniors said tt there's a new rule for e upcomin tournament in sept.. onli 1 fighter per weight category per club.. n cos of tt, he dropped out from e tournament cos there's another guy who's been trainin for like dunno how many donkey yrs who's in e same weight category as him n is obviously much better fighter den him.. he told me tt it shouldn't b a prob for me to b a fighter cos i'm e onli one in fintan weight category.. which is e most lightweight category.. rite.. wateva.. after tt, i went home feelin like a potato.. or tomato.. whicheva.. my whole body was achin.. it's been yrs since i last did any form of physical exercise.. haha..

Friday, August 12, 2005

~* zzz.. *~

guess wat.. i over slpt today.. n i missed my maths lec at 8am.. luckily there's sthg called webcast or else i'm dead.. reached sch at like 12pm.. on my way to e techno edge aka engin canteen, a gal from nus engin club called me sayin tt i can come down to e area outside lt6 to collect e nus engin fac sweater which i ordered.. creative technology had set up a booth at e same place too.. it's part of e nus engin bazaar 2005.. i bought a pair of pc speakers for daniel..

after tt, i made my way down to e canteen to haf lunch wif my frenz form x-box, my engin camp og.. my beloved ogl, zer, had got me an o-week goodie bag which i din get cos i din come.. haha.. thanx, zer..! soon, it's time for my phy lec on kinematics.. my lecturer walked round e lt n came back to e same spot where he stood earlier on jus to show us tt his displacement was zero.. -_-'" after e lec, i went home wif another bag-load of rubbish.. n tt was e end of e last sch day of e 1st wk..

Thursday, August 11, 2005

~* ssa2211.. *~

on e contrary to yest's post, today's e longest sch day in my life.. i was in sch from 8am to 8pm..! i had maths n critical thinkin & writin lec from 8-10am.. after tt i was free for 8hrs while waitin for my next lec which is at 6pm.. more abt tt later.. 1stly, i would like to thank azura, a yr2 student, for sellin her phy txtbk to me at a reasonable price.. e onli unreasonable thing abt it is tt i had to walk ard sch wif a 15kg load for 12hrs..!

after tt i went to e engin bridge to do some self study while listenin to my discman.. i got damn bored after e cd finish repeatin itself for e 4th time.. 80mins x 4 = 320mins = 5hrs 20mins.. i could practically memorise e tracklist n e lyrics of each individual song.. haha.. finally, sahan came to e rescue n we went to bizad canteen wif his gf to haf our dinner.. after tt, we took bus a2 down to lt11 which is in arts fac.. e 1st thing i noticed abt e lt is tt it's a super new lt.. n projected on e screen rite in front of me was "ssa2211: evolution of a global city-state -- e module u've all been waitin for is here.." [long sch day] + [6pm lec x monotonous lecturer] + [comfortable seats x dim lightin] = very² condusive slpin envt.. i dozed off rite away..

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

~* i like big butts n i cannot lie.. *~

today was e shortest sch day in my life.. i onli had physics lec from 12-1pm.. indian lecturer.. think i need to download n install an accent decipherin plug-in or sthg.. mite haf other foreign lecturers comin up too.. haha.. but not bad la.. he's quite a funny guy.. his lesson was onli 35mins long.. most of it spent on tellin us a story abt newton as a child.. daniel, my ns buddy, went to camp to de-kit in e mornin.. after tt he came to nus to meet up wif me.. we went to collect his new passport at ica bldg, formally known as sir bldg, at lavender.. a super stupid cabbie, for dunno wat reason, stopped rite b4 e entrance to e bldg.. i was e 2nd car behind him.. cos of tt, 7 other cars happily drove past from e 2nd lane n turned left in front of e cab.. i was furiously mad at him tt i sounded my horn for like 30sec.. passers by were wonderin wat was happenin while i was cursin n swearin inside e car.. after we got into e car park, we were stuck there for another half hr lookin for an empty lot.. e fact tt e car was black n i was wearin black n e weather was so bloody hot didn't help me to keep my cool..

after tt, we went to tampines mall to watch a movie.. wanted to watch charlie n e choc factory but it was sold out.. so we watched bewitched instead.. we sat by e side on e 3rd row.. think i dislocated my neck.. we were in "ke-kiri lurus" position for 2hrs.. haha.. not reali a gd movie.. but entertainin enuf.. n nicole kidman was so cute..

after e movie, on e way out of tampines mall, i saw 2 nice pairs of asses.. one from a lady in black n one from a lady in white.. check dem out..

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

~* happy 40th birthday, spore..!! *~

today, ppl all over spore, celebate spore's 40th yr of independence.. it's also lee hsien loong's 1st ndp as prime minister n at e same time, mite b president s r nathan's last.. i was given 2 ndp fun pack coupons by my 2 ns juniors.. e onli gripe is tt 1 is for collection at jur east while e other 1 is at yishun.. went to jur east 1st.. not so crowded as it was stil quite early.. managed to catch daphne khoo performin on stage.. den took e mrt to yishun.. on my way there, i noticed tt everyone in my cabin was wearin red.. cool.. coincidence..? patriotism i suppose.. haha.. wen i reached yishun, there was already a sea of red at e field.. ppl, both young n old, were in e mood for national day.. i decided to check it out n join e heartlanders in e celebration.. went to e saf booth.. tried shootin e sar21 for e 1st time.. not bad compared to my 'wife' durin bmt, m16.. there're oso e electronic ippt stations..

my "made in spore" tattoo..

celebration @heartlands.. yishun..

e guys on stilts look cool man..
mus b quite hot for dem as they're nearer to e sun.. haha..

some percussion grp..
nice gals playin nice beats..

freestyle inline skaters doin their stuf..
n e onli rose amongst e thorns..

tampines-yishun: 1min.. i wanna own 1 of dem.. so wont b late for sch.. haha..

Monday, August 08, 2005

~* 1st day of sch.. *~

hey.. today was my 1st day of sch.. had some trouble wakin up at 9am after piggin for a month or so.. haha.. i had onli 1 lec for e day.. statics n mechanics.. not too bad.. e lecturer was quite interestin.. after e lec, i went to engin canteen for lunch.. but there's a long queue.. so i decided to go over to co-op 1st to buy txtbks.. jus as i expected, e entire nus was there.. e situation was made worse by some pasar malam thingy goin on outside.. after queuein up for like eternity, e guy said tt most of e books r not available yet.. -_-"' so in e end, i onli bought foolscap pads.. after tt, my fren, sahan, had to go for another lec.. so itmt, i went to e com centre to print out notes.. spent like $20+..!! wen sahan n i were abt to leave, i saw my ex n her bf walkin past.. she acknowledged sahan but totally ignored me.. she couldn't possibly not see me rite.. ok.. wateva.. so we left for suntec.. went to e wallet shop to buy a pencil case by myuk.. it says "shut up & get off my planet".. haha.. $8.90.. been eyein it for quite some time.. cos it matches e rip curl bag i bought recently too..

{Get back up there}